UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion

@ashymustard I was also denied for Film and TV Production and have not seen any news of anyone accepted!

Congratulations to all admitted. Anyone got alumni scholarship in the decision letter?

@pilgrim: You cannot appeal for a major change. I would PM @10s4life about trying to double major or changing majors into Engineering since they would have more insight if it is possible.

This link may help:

Accepted OOS - Chemical Engineering
4.0 UW GPA (don’t know W)
1550 SAT (800m, 750e)
SAT subject tests, 800 chem and 790 math II
9 APs (all 5s on the five exams I have taken)
Solid ECs (Leadership/national titles) BUT unrelated to major
White Female
Accepted: NC State, GA Tech
Rejected: Johns Hopkins
Congrats to everyone who got accepted and lots of love for everyone who applied

@NormalCSMajor . . . can you write to the person who coaches the sport at UCLA, even if it’s club? This would normally be done before decisions, but if they want you, your stats would be very good otherwise. Just as long as you’re a legitimate athlete, as opposed to the Varsity Blues stuff.

Accepted to Engineering (Asian Female)

UC Unweighted GPA: 4.00
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.48
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.28

SAT: I got a 1530 (770 M, 760 R/W), but that was without the essay. I still sent this score, but I also sent my 1480 (770 M, 710 R/W) with the essay, which I got an 18 on the essay. I think they considered the lower score.
SAT Subject Tests: 740 M2, 590 Physics (very surprised they accepted me with the 590)

Pretty strong essays, but I had two major typos in the first sentences of the first essay so I was worried
Strong ECs (lots of SGA involvement and service, captain for a two time state championship winning varsity sports team, etc.)
Living with two parents, high income bracket (did not file a FAFSA)

I posted in the results thread and forgot to mention I am OOS.

I’m so happy to be accepted but it wouldn’t have been the end of the world if I didn’t get in. Remember everything happens for a reason and you will end up exactly where you need to be :smiley: Best of luck to everyone else in their college search!

when does financial aid come out?

Thanks @lkg4answers and I got what you said, @Gumbymom.

No, you cannot appeal to get into engineering. You would have to apply for a major change, and for CS&E, you need to take at least 2 quarters of an Engineeirng work load (which consists of at least 1 math class and one “major prep” class). You also need to take CS 31, 32, and 33 prior to applying, and those courses are are a series, so if you are able to get into CS 31 in the fall (which will be tough since you’re not an engineering major), then it would take you at least your entire freshman year to complete the series. You need to have at least a 3.5 GPA in all of the math, CS, and physics course you take to qualify.

It said so in the decision letter.

Female, OOS, Private All Girls Boarding School
UW UC GPA: 4.0 (4 years of A-G, 2 of VPA) - All college prep
W UC GPA: unsure.
Actual GPA:96.17/100
SAT: 1310; SAT II - did not take
Invited to Alumni Scholarship
Accepted UCSB(Chancellors invite), UCSD, UCSC, UCD, UCI, GW(Presidential Scholar), American (Global Mentor Program), Smith, Kings College (UK), Stevens Institute of Technology, University of Virginia, University of Amsterdam(Netherlands)
Waitlist: U Chicago, Barnard
Denied: Georgetown U
Internships: 1) Alzheimer’s clinic, 2) US Capitol Hill - Senate - Armed Forces and Foreign Relations Committees 3) as Writer for English Daily Newspaper (relocated aboard)
US Squash Association Scholar-Athlete: All 3 years (4th year looks iffy with covid-19)
Essay: Best work amongst all submitted
EC: Volunteer in a US State Department Global Women Outreach program (4 years), Fundraising Cancer Care hospital (3 years), Writer for School’s Literary Magazine, Photographer for Schools Yearbook, Published 15 articles in Culture section of a large circulation English newspaper, many above the fold and 1 cover story.

Does anyone know if the Regent’s Scholarship acceptance is put in the same letter? I was admitted and applied for Regents, but I can’t find it anywhere. I don’t want to assume that I was denied because previous years have stated that some received Regents a few days after their acceptances.

Accepted with Regents!!!

It’s in the financial aid letter after you press “next steps” for your application



Asian Male
SAT: 1600 perfect score first attempt
GPA: 4.35
Major: Math
EC: AIME qualifier 3 years in a row, Performing arts
Essays : Pretty good
Recos: CS and Math teacher
Alumni scholarship applied wrote essays.

I was put on the waitlist for UCLA with a 1240 SAT score
4.0 gpa
I did not take any APs only all Honors.
Out of state
Invited to apply for alumni and I did apply.
Crazy how out of all these amazing applicants I of all people was put on the waitlist.
My essays were okay nothing to special.
I did not have much ECs.
But what I did have was a story that I expressed in my additional comments section to explain my circumstances. That’s the only reason I can think of why I would have gotten on the wait list over other perfect scoring applicants.

DS accepted. Pre-Major Applied Math.
SAT 1580
MAth II and Physics 800
IB Predicted 43/45
ECs mostly showing his computer science strengths - Game development, ML Model for school, Volunteering in local eye rehab center
Strong recommendation letters
Strong personal/thoughtful essays

Question: He has strong interest in Computer science as well. At the time of applying he was leaning more towards Applied Math. How easy is to shift to computer science with math minor?
Is Applied Computational Math a good alternative?

Suggestions please?

Does anyone know if you can appeal a rejection? I really don’t want to go down without at least trying a little bit more :frowning:


**UCLA does not set aside space in our class for students who appeal admission decisions. Therefore, though all appeals are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, the number of decisions reversed on appeal is very low. We advise you to consider the following carefully before you decide to draft an appeal. Every application has gone through an extensive reviews. Therefore, for an appeal to have merit it must bring to light new academic and personal information, as well as information pertaining to extenuating circumstances, that had not been present in the application—information that clearly shows the student to be stronger than had been earlier evidenced. High grades received in the senior year, recently acquired awards, or an increase in activities are not a basis for the reversal of a decision.

Fall Quarter 2020
Appeals can be submitted online from April 1 through April 15 (5:00 p.m.). Late submissions and letters of recommendation will not be accepted.

Please be aware that we cannot guarantee a response by May 1, the date by which many institutions require their freshman applicants to make a commitment. We encourage applicants to consider all of their educational options carefully.