UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion


How conceited. We actual don’t care that we didn’t get in. Admissions are biased. California will continue to flounder.

Accepted into Linguistics and Computer Science


WGPA: 4.5
UWGPA: 4.00
UCGPA: 4.28
UCGPA(unweighted): 3.98
SAT: 1310

Took community college classes so that’s why my UC gpa is lower.

Essays: I spent so much time and effort on the essays. I would consider them the strongest part of my app.

Started first robotics in my high school

hellokittygirl1 - Did you apply regular decision to Northeastern?

@4kidstocollege You have two posts #960 and #958 that aren’t very polite nor helpful to the community and err on breaking the College Confidential Terms of Service. Please don’t diminish the achievements of applicants who got admitted oos by saying ucla just wants their oos money. If anything oos applicants typically have higher stats than in state admits. Tuition actually makes up a comparably small portion of revenue. My post you called conceited wasn’t intended to be and actually has useful information that applicants can consider depending on what their decision was. Please refrain from inappropriate posts. I’m sorry your child did not get the decision you were hoping for. Best of luck.

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accepted! 4.5 GPA W / 3.98 UW
1330 SAT (low bc circumstances)

internship with the coalition for humane immigrant rights, working as a waitress since junior year, storyboard editor for school newspaper, vp of unicef, chair of my city youth commission, filmmaker, volunteer at children’s orphanage in Mexico, link crew, theater, and published writer

CSF every semester since 6th grade (CJSF), AP scholar with distinction, Golden Bear (school wide awards where they pick top students): 3 years pinned english, 2 years pinned social studies, one year medal english, one year medal social science, CA girls’ state rep, girls’ nation finalist

6 AP tests: two 4s and four 5s

leadership: leadership defined by representation and connection with my community (girls state senate, parents translation help)

creativity: my creativity expressed in problem solving (learning english when i first came from peru by following along to songs with lyric books, organizing LA walk out in support of daca this past november)

struggle: poverty, hunger, drive, really bad sat score

community: undocu family, voter registration drive, founded peer mentorship with students in foster care program

i hope this comment helps someone looking to be admitted to c/o 2025 :smiley:

All I know is that the stats from UC admits are so far from the norm and are clearly biased. Vilify me all your want.

What’s inappropriate?

LOL. Try and make yourself feel better all you want.

@4kidstocollege Telling a student who got admitted they only got in since they’re paying oos tuition is really inappropriate and shouldn’t be said here. I don’t see any justification for saying that to an admit and it was uncalled for. As an adult you should hold yourself to a higher standard.

Ok, when their stats are clearly lower than an in state kid who deserves to study and live in their home state, it’s really inappropriate.

@4kidstocollege Even if it were true there’s no need to call out that individual poster like that it’s childish and plain petty. Please take your frustration somewhere else. Trust me it’s not the end of the world your kid didn’t get in. There’s tons of amazing schools out there. Also no one deserves to go to a specific college. There’s tons of colleges in California if that’s your point.

LOL. We have way more amazing options. My only frustration is the treatment to the citizens of CA who want to study and are willing to invest in their home state…but get the shaft. He’ll actually do way better and CA will lose in the end.

@pissboy woah they exist! Congratulations! I certainly couldn’t do it, but you got a place on a very impacted major and a tiny class size. Good luck and happy filmmaking!

(also, I totally knew that not getting an interview was a bad sign on my part but I still let delusion take over for some reason)

@4kidstocollege , based on admissions statistics from Fall 2019, OOS applicants had higher stats overall than IS applicants. The 25th percentile ACT was 23 for IS, but 29 for OOS applicants. This difference is mainly the reason why OOS kids have slightly higher admit rate, especially when they are higher than the IS kids on average and make up a much smaller portion of the applicant pool.

When it comes to the admitted students, IS kids skew a bit lower than OOS kids, but the median and 75th percentile stats are similar for both.

It sucks that UCLA did not work out for you, but it is important to celebrate each other’s victories.


@ashymustard yeah surprisingly enough! i was so surprised to get in bc i figured w my stats i’d be dead. i totally get that delusion but u will be good where ever you end up ! gl !

Wow, congrats @pissboy ! I also applied for Film and TV Production but was rejected haha. I was just wondering when and how the interview went like?!

@ashymustard are all film production majors supposed to get an interview? whoops…

Can’t believe I was accepted

If this class was anything close to the last one on admissions they would’ve accepted like 12.5% of applicants no? Why is everyone saying 5%

How many freshmen are accepted for CS major in UCLA?

@siclocusest, For the class of 2019, here are the stats:

Computer Science: Appl- 7,514; Adm-648 (8.6%)
Computer Science & Engineering: Appl-2,889; Adm-219 (7.6%)
Computer Engineering: Appl-1,048; Adm-49 (4.7%)

You can get a better glimpse of the Engineering Stats here: https://www.seasoasa.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/seasoasa/UCEE.pdf

I would think a similar number of students would be admitted to the class of 2020.

My son is a Junior CS major at UCLA and I remember seeing an admission stat last year on an article put out by the Engineering Department where it was stated 50 percentile score for admits to the Engineering school was 4.0 UW and 1560 SAT.

I’m sure @10s4life would be able to tell you more but getting into Engineering seems so difficult.