UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion


They have 5 on all AP’s they have tested so far (Physics C, CalcBC, MTheory, CompSci) and planning to take 5 more AP exams next mont.

Ok, so the summary is to skip 2 Math courses and English requirement- good advice on taking Physics 1A, will convey that to them.

Great, Thanks

UCI sent an email regarding no housing guarantee at this time. Does anyone hear anything on UCLA Housing policy for fall? My son already sent SIR to UCLA and submitted housing app as well. but I am getting nervous about housing.

@camom2024 there is. In fact 2 new dorms are under construction right now.

@10s4life thanks for quick reply. if I understand your reply correctly, there is no need to worry about housing at UCLA?

@camom2024 correct

@10s4life UCLA hasn’t made a statement about fall quarter or housing yet, have they?

Below is a quote about UCI housing was posted in another thread.
“ it is not possible for us to know at this time whether the current public health crisis will allow us to maintain normal operations in student housing and residential life when the fall quarter begins. Consequently, we are not offering a housing guarantee at this time.”

@lkg4answers No official statement yet but also no suspension on current stuff. For those on campus, UCLA is still offering housing services and dining although its only take out. From what I heard if there were some sort of suspension in living on campus (lets say for Fall) the university will resume normal housing once its safe to do so.

In addition to UCI, Berkeley has also posted that they can not guarantee housing for all new students in the fall. I am thinking this is because it is unknown what the social distancing rules/recommendations will be in California in the fall. I have heard that among students who are currently staying in the dorms at UCI, because of social distancing, there is a requirement that there can only be one person in a room. I would think Cal’s housing capacity would shrink quite a bit if triples can only be used as singles due to social distancing. Here a link to Berkeley’s post: https://news.berkeley.edu/2020/04/23/information-about-fall-semester-2020/

Can any current students or alumni offer some insight on the College Honors program?

I know you have to take extra classes, but how bad does this affect a STEM Major? Overall, is it worth it?

Does anyone know whether UCLA will give full/pro-rated refunds for Housing and dining if the classes are held remotely and if the student does not live on campus. UC Berkeley has sent an email regarding the refund, but my D has not got any email from UCLA yet.

@happyParent2024 Yes you’ll be refunded. Students were refunded for spring when they moved off campus.

Ok. Thats good to know.

Another question: Does UCLA and UC Berkeley allow one quarter/One semester to be dropped (not the first quarter/first semester but a subsequent one because I know dropping first quarter/semester is a deferral and requires special approval)? Is it a simple process or does it involve approval from admissions/dean and does it require student to be re-admitted?


From the ucla website (search one-term absence)

“Undergraduate students who complete a term (fall, winter, spring), and do not register the following term, may return to UCLA the subsequent term as a continuing student and be eligible to register and enroll during regular assigned appointment times. Continuing students who plan to not attend UCLA must declare nonattendance.”

Thank you. Does anyone know about UC Berkeley policy. I searched and it shows cancellation vs withdrw. From reading it, it seems that even if one semester is dropped, the student needs to be readmitted and requires approval. Is that a correct understanding?

@happyParent2024, you would probably be better off asking that question in the Cal forum.

I just got off the waitlist and was wondering if someone could give me insight into life at UCLA? My top two schools were Michigan and UCLA and I was waitlisted at UCLA previously so the decision was easy to make but now that both are an option I’m conflicted. I know a lot about Umich but if anyone could help me understand life at UCLA it would be greatly appreciated

Is housing guaranteed for freshman and sophomores? Also is it hard to join clubs and other student organizations because of the amount of undergrads?

On UCLA’s financial aid website it states that there is limited financial aid if you submit your FAFSA after March 2nd. If you are out of state and got no financial aid this year because of a late submitted FAFSA, is there still potential to gain aid Sophomore year if submitted prior to the deadline?

Does anyone know how housing works for those admitted off of the waitlist? I was admitted a couple of days ago and I just found out that the housing apps. were due yesterday.