UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion

@10s4life On the UCLA reporting changes website, it says that I have to report if I get 2 or more C’s. To clarify, does this mean 2 C’s in a semester, or 2 C’s in a whole year. In other words, in my senior year I got a C in fall semester and a C in spring semester, so would I need to report changes for that?

I called the admissions office and they said you report it if you get 2 or more C’s in semester. You should prolly do the same to confirm

It is 2 or more Cs during the senior year. So if you get one C in fall semester and one C in spring semester, you have to report.

@10s4life when i was applying to ucla i put on my application that i would be taking the ap gov test but in the end i decided not to sign up for it because i did not think i would pass it and did not want to waste my money. Therefore, i never took the test. Do i need to report this change to ucla?

Anyone wanna start a band?

Report everything. I don’t think they’ll care about this, but always report everything, because they’ll find out about it later on anyway.

@am2007 i called the admissions office and they told me it wasnt a big deal and that i didnt need to report it through my decision portal they just told me to email admissions explaining it so that they know.

@Meesh123 I did the exact same thing when I was applying. I skipped almost all my AP exams senior year when I realized they wouldn’t count for engr. Just email them to let them know but it’s not a big deal.

My daughter just received an email confirming that she’d get on campus housing for the fall. Will be either single or double. They will provide more details on Tue 6/23.

does anyone have any advice on what to do if they don’t give you housing??? i didn’t get housing and now im very worried

@grapegrape I would look into subletting an apartment from current people who have them. The FB page for ucla housing is prob a good place to start looking.

Definitely not good idea. If everything will be online, why do you need to rent apartment? Stay at home and wait until you can came back to campus, save some money.

@10s4life would i be able to purchase a meal plan/be on campus for ecs if i do this?

@grapegrape Yes off campus meal plans are allowed

@10s4life My student was admitted directly, not from waiting list and lives in state, but several hours away from campus. She did not receive housing. It seems to me that in state students and those who were originally admitted, should have priority over out of state students admitted off of the waiting list. I understand the prioritization as set out by UCLA, but assuming those things being equal, it seems they should take care of housing those originally admitted before they even began admitting kids off of the waitlist.

I am shocked and disheartened by the housing decision/process that UCLA has appeared to follow. It’s beyond disgraceful.

While I understand the disappointment, all the UC’s sent out notices before the commitment deadline informing applicants that housing would not be guaranteed. This was just the first wave of housing acceptances. I believe (could be wrong) that they are carefully monitoring how many students who received housing will accept before offering more. Downsizing from all freshman in triples to only offering singles - with hopes that they can include doubles - has to be a daunting task.

With that being said, it sounds like the majority of freshman classes will be online. Living in the dorms, in a single, while taking all your classes online and having very limited campus interaction (food to go, no social gatherings, etc) will pale in comparison to the typical college experience and begs to question if the additional cost is worth it.

My D is still hoping to get housing but based on early communication from UCLA she is prepared to stay home and take her classes online in fall. Fingers crossed by winter quarter, health officials will have more information on how to protect the community and students can resume a normal college life.

It’s disappointing for sure, but once things return to normal, ucla will be sure to make up for the “lost” first quarter. However students admitted originally and off the waitlists, IMO, should be treated the same. Once someone’s a Bruin there isn’t a distinction of “second class” students just based on their admit origin. I’m not sure if the priority was solely for OOS cause I know in state students got housing as well. Once things clear housing may open up mid year for more students. And since most classes are online anyways the feeling on campus is going to be very different. If anyone wants housing trying to take an apartment spot is your best bet.

I agree with these sentiments for the most part, and I would never think of Waitlisted students as second class, more it just seems strange to be adding to a class before you’ve accommodated the original acceptances. And I agree that hopefully things will be back to a more normal in winter or spring, unfortunately if you don’t get housing for Fall, you don’t get housing all year. So, you are either i. Or out.

It’s also strange to not try and first accomodate the least connected segment of the student population - freshmen. Or at least have more empathy. Maybe my expectations are too high, but I felt it was callous.