UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

@dbrusoccer sameeee. I got waitlisted at my top three (ucla, cmu, and umich) and it’s hard to get excited about where I’ll most likely end up going (ucsd) cause I have a teeny bit of hope left.

I’m not sure how many of you are still writing your essays for the waitlist or anything but I just got an email from someone in the admissions office that provided some helpful insight. A couple of days ago I emailed the admissions counselor for my state and this is what he had to say(directly quoted from his email):

“I would highly recommend you submit the additional supplemental essay as part of accepting your spot on the waitlist. Use this space to tell us anything you may have left off of the application, give us an update on your senior year, let us know your continued interest in becoming a student at UCLA, and finally be sure to include your mid-year grades.”

He didn’t really give me any clarification on whether we could answers early, but he did recommend that we commit to another school before May 1st just to be safe. I also asked him, as an OOS student if my chances were affected in any way and he said, “Your chances of being admitted off of the waitlist as an out of state applicant as a result of the virus have not been adversely impacted…” So most of what he said is information that we had already knew or assumed, but I figured I would share anyway, just in case someone finds it helpful. :slight_smile:

I’m not sure how many of you are still writing your essays for the waitlist or anything but I just got an email from someone in the admissions office that provided some helpful insight. A couple of days ago I emailed the admissions counselor for my state and this is what he had to say(directly quoted from his email):

“I would highly recommend you submit the additional supplemental essay as part of accepting your spot on the waitlist. Use this space to tell us anything you may have left off of the application, give us an update on your senior year, let us know your continued interest in becoming a student at UCLA, and finally be sure to include your mid-year grades.”

He didn’t really give me any clarification on whether we could receive answers early, but he did recommend that we commit to another school before May 1st just to be safe. I also asked him, as an OOS student if my chances were affected in any way and he said, “Your chances of being admitted off of the waitlist as an out of state applicant as a result of the virus have not been adversely impacted…” So most of what he said is information that we had already knew or assumed, but I figured I would share anyway, just in case someone finds it helpful. :slight_smile:

@ryebread01 Thanks for the info! I wonder how it’ll be for IS students though…

Apologize for my previous post, very strangely stated.

Here are a couple of W/L posts from the 2023 Class Discussion thread – I thought the WL acceptance posts had more to them:

http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-los-angeles/2085128-ucla-class-of-2023-discussion-p97.html – See Post #1924, in which the person posting states that people were getting off the waitlist “today,” 04/23/2019.

http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-los-angeles/2085128-ucla-class-of-2023-discussion-p101.html – See Post #2001, seemingly a second “wave” of WL admits on 05/25/2019. Wow, 24 days after last day to commit.

Obviously, we don’t know if UCLA has changed the date(s) of acceptances from WL, but I thought I would post these for possible reference for this year’s.

@firmament2x Thank you for that info! Hopefully, they’ll stick to some sort of schedule like that. I originally thought that they would release waitlist decisions sporadically, but your research makes more sense.

Also, I have another question: My spring courses are the same as my fall courses because my school has an eight period day and doesn’t have block scheduling. Should I write out my fall course with my first semester grades AND my spring courses with IP(in progress)? Or should I just list my fall grades and then mention that I’m taking the same classes in the spring? Any advice is appreciated!

@ryebread01 As long as your courses aren’t making you go over the 7000 characters, I think you should include it. I did because I thought of it as showing the admissions office that you’re still continuing at the same level of rigor.

@ryebread01 . . . you’re welcome.

I’m trying (probably too hard) to see a pattern in admit days.

In 2019, regular admissions day was 03/22, a Friday. In 2020, admit day was 03/20, also a Friday.

In 2019, two admit days off of the WL (provided there weren’t more) were:

04/23, a Tuesday and 05/25, a Saturday. I don’t see any significance to these days as in regular admissions being on a Friday. Or at least there doesn’t appear to be any connection to a Tues. or Sat.

@ryebread, @whimsicalsquid, @scrambro, et al…

I neglected to check between the first and last dates, but there was one more WL admit day for a total of three last year at least from which I could see:

04/23/2019, Tuesday
04/30/2019, Tuesday
05/25/2019, Saturday

Here’s a link to the middle one:http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-los-angeles/2085128-ucla-class-of-2023-discussion-p98.html . . . post #1958, and the links to the first and third are in my post four posts back #184. So it looks like they make a push to get some of the enrollment in late April and one more in late May. So you would be more correct Ryebread.

I am wait-listed for CS for fall 2020. I checked wait-list for fall 2018 & fall 2019 on CC but could not see any post regarding CS coming off the wait-list. If there is any such information like major admit by wait list, please share.

@Araucaria. . . I would think that someone who declared a major from E would have a great chance to get off the WL. Because there are so many good E/CS programs out there, the yield is lower at UCLA as well as most other universities. I don’t see them replacing an E major with a social-science or a bio major because E is trying to build itself up.

If we are admitted off the waitlist after May 1st are we still guaranteed housing and a roommate request? What if we are admitted after May 15th, does it change?

@firmament2x that is some solid research. So if you move up to 2020, then the first WL movement day would be:


which is one week away. Something to look out for.

I got waitlisted for CSE :((((((
waitlist stats for competitive majors are more impacted right :(((

@scrambro . . . it only took me 15 minutes or so, easy to find.

I looked on the UCB board at the Decisions 2023 thread and here are some highlights on some of the pages, though it felt like I was eavesdropping:


144, 145, 146, 148, some UCLA references.


162, Re, UCB: “But last year, the first wave came out on Monday, May 7th [2018].”


05/07/2019 was also when WL first-wave acceptances went out for UCB, at 3pm per this page. So Berkeley definitely waits until after commit day to send out acceptances. From pages 9-27, there was a lot of hand-wringing in anticipation of the 3rd, etc, but B’s admissions department kept them guessing.

Hey, Bruins are here to help, even if the school up north is our chief rival, lol.

@firmament2x Solid research, it has been lowkey fun to track how you are trying to figure out the dates lol. I hope it does come out next week that would be hype.

Is the supplemental essay portal for waitlisted applicants confusing to some of you? It seems to allow you to write your essay and hit the Submit button to save it - but then It seems to allow you to edit the essays until the 15th deadline. Anyone know how it works?

@25Raider I think that is exactly how it works. “Submitting” the essay saves it and you can continue to edit and “submit”/save it up until April 15th. I am assuming that after April 15th you will no longer be able to make edits to it as the admissions staff will begin looking over the essays. Hope that is helpful.

@ryebread01 Thanks for the useful information!

@firmament2x I appreciate all your research! What a rollercoaster. First rumors that they waitlisted more people than usual (boo), then people predicting a lot of waitlist action this year (yay!), then the realization that local waitlisters could actually be HURT by current circumstances since in-staters might stay close to home and the school might want to fill OOS spots with OOS waitlisters to meet targets (boooo). Also top schools like UCLA might have less waitlist action since people are more committed to going there (bonus boo).

At the end of the day, we’re trying to predict something unpredictable. There are just too many variables - departments, ratios, financials, etc. Consciously I know that and try to put it all out of my mind, but I still can’t stay away from the detective work! It’s been so many months of stress (and I’m only a parent! albeit one whose kid desperately wants to get in). But one thing for sure: You guys on here are so so bright, and I really wish you the best of luck.

Question: Do you get notified if you’re rejected? Closure would be nice.

@TheDjCurryRapper and @WhimsicalSquid you’re quite welcome. I think it’s pretty certain that UCLA will have a pre-May-1st acceptance off the WL and some time to deliberate on accepting before that date.

Maybe we should get @10s4life to confirm, but I don’t think they do send out closure notifications that they’re done taking off WLs. It would be the humane thing to do but they don’t.