UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

@samkr14 are you on the waitlist? if so for which major?

All good things come to those who wait :slight_smile: this is my motto for the waitlist

any one here wait list for computer science

I got off the waitlist this morning!! Microbiology OOS.

My son just got off the waitlist this morning! He is admitted to the College of L&S and we are OOS. This is a real surprise as we were losing hope on his WL schools. So be patient and I agree all good things come to those who wait. Good luck to everyone here!

+1 here

Iā€™m on the waitlist for cs too, highly doubt anyone will get off for cs

I am on Waitlist for instate CS

Iā€™m on the waitlist for political science :frowning:

+1 here


Looks like Samueli is over-enrolled but who knows for sure. Could be that Sameuli is waiting to make a final push towards end of May or early June to fill a few spots after the June 1 deadline passes for other schools and students make final decisions. Number of Samueli spots are limited in any in the first place and they enroll by specific majors so maybe they are waiting for all data to make a final call on the waitlist. Whatever the case, if it happens great - if not move on to other options, all of which I am sure are fantastic.

my son is WL for instate CS

looks like today mostly OOS students heard back for LSS ,
nothing for engineering majors yet?

OOS computer engineering major here, still nothing. I really hope Samueli didnā€™t already fill up :confused:

@jj6172 im an instate electrical engineering major and i havenā€™t heard anything yet. i think it might be the end for us mate

OOS L&S still waiting, I feel like Iā€™m the only one who hasnā€™t gotten off :frowning:

instate bioengineering major hereā€¦hoping samueli has room for all of us

instate computer science and engineering, I havenā€™t seen anyone get off for my major, so I donā€™t know if thatā€™s good news or bad news.

Still on the waitlist for economics IS. Should I give up hope?

There probably will be more waitlist waves that will come out for IS people so donā€™t worry! Good things happen to those who wait patiently! :slight_smile: