UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

I have laid claim to the 2000th post on this thread:)

INTL Physics major still waiting
 I am losing my hope everyday. Any other people here still on physics waitlist

Still waiting for Instate, CS. Chance is slimmer for me.

Instate Cognitive Science major, still waiting

instate electrical engineering, still waiting
 (but to no avail?)

intl data theory, still waiting

Was there a wave today? Im in state L&S still waiting

nothing yet for IS_CS still waiting

Anyone know if the law of attraction works? Haha I’m getting desperate AF.

Also everyone add me on snap @eichs830 and tell me your from the waitlist thread. We should make a giant snap group (accepted or not) cuz I feel like we have a special bond.

The wait is killing me ! I’m IS waitlisted for Sociology and my friend from the same school got off the waitlist already in the first wave ): we have similar stats but I have a lower income than her. Hoping that we all get off in the next wave ??

My daughter received an email on May 20. It says in the Subject line, “your Provisional Award Letter (PAL)”. Is that email her PAL or is there some other document. The two lines of the email says “Dear Student, Congratulations on your admission to UCLA!”

Is that it? The other colleges she’s been accepted to have sent much more detailed “acceptances”. The rest of the email discusses financial aid and tells her to go to the portal.

If that’s it, when must she respond? Does that response require a deposit? Can the response deadline be extended?

Thank you.

@3WER Congrats on your daughters acceptance! The PAL is the financial aid award. Your daughter should check her admission decision here:
Here, she can accept her spot! You guys will pay the $250 deposit; scroll down to the bottom and click “YES”, and then proceed to the New Bruin’s Website.

At the bottom, it should also dictate when her response is due. Extensions are only available on a case-by-case basis, contact admissions if you need on. I believe you should have until the 26th to accept your spot!

Thank you.

Anyone get anything today?

Another week gone :frowning:

Which major and are you instate or out of state ?

FYI - GT just sent an email blast to waitlisted students asking whether they want to stay on waitlist or decline - because this year is unusual and the waitlist offers could go into July.

What goes GT mean?

Georgia Tech