UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

I got to know that they are going to hang on to waitlist until august due to covid uncertainty of how to bigin the inperson or online at this point they are also not sure.
Looks like this wait will go on a little longer .hopefully they will send out some sort of communication if you would still like to be on the list.
so we still have hope

@Sonia2020 please share how did you get to know that wait list can be until Aug.

@Araucaria got to know through a friend ,but we all will know if we get email from them of this week hopefully

@Sonia2020 & @Araucaria there’s no way a waitlist can go up to August
August is for registering for classes and such and basically getting ready for the new quarter. Yeah there is a possibility things can be different with COVID but it’s impossible the waitlists can go up to August

@samkr14 quite agree with you. Lets be hopeful and see how things unfold in coming days. As per CC, (with no COVID) even last year, wait list went until about mid June. As we wait, I am sure all have their other plan / SIRs in place by now.

Waitlist won’t go til August. Covid hasn’t significantly affected yield.

Thanks for the info. If I may ask, are you an “insider”? If so, any idea whether Samueli (especially CS) has any more opening for in-state?

Any one heard back from freshman instate engineering waitlist yet

I don’t understand how no one has gotten off the waitlist for CS. Typically they don’t need to use their waitlist for CS because their predicted numbers are correct. However, this year a lot of international kids are taking a gap year and won’t be attending, so shouldn’t that open up spots in CS / Samueli?

@petrock123 I think that’s why they might hang on to the waitlist a little longer and if they do classes online they can enroll more kids .

If u emailed ur Ao just know it did absolutely nothing. My UCLA AO said that AO’s arent directly involved in the waitlist process and we can’t do anything but wait.

@Sonia2020 Online classes won’t allow them to enroll more kids. When classes do go back in person (and they eventually will), over enrollment would overwhelm the school. Online classes also still mean there are assignments to grade etc and the teaching man power is still finite.

How do you know that a lot of international kids are taking gap years? UCLA doesn’t approve a lot of deferrals. If they were low in CS, they would have gone to the wait list by now. It doesn’t look like they’re low.

What is an “AO” ?

@JerryMZ191 Admissions Officer

bc of corona a lot of international kids are taking a gap year. they don’t wanna risk traveling and all that. that’s why I’m surprised that CS spots didn’t open up

How did you guys find your AO email? I can’t find it on the website

Some of my friends heard back from other UCs last week and today. But we haven’t heard of any UCLA Waitlist news in the past two weeks (I think). It’s just gets less and less hopeful the longer we wait. Sorry to be a Debby downer. WE ALL WANT TO KNOW NOWWWW

I’m not surprised because CS spots almost never open up. I think the covid effect might have just made their numbers accurate instead of being over-enrolled like most years.

And UCLA doesn’t approve a lot of deferrals.

So I guess thats it then. Since no waitlist offers are released on weekends. And someone mentioned here in an earlier post that only transfer students get off the waitlist in June, so no chance now for freshmen. Feeling sad
 waited so desperately.