UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

if nothing comes out tomorrow, mr. gene block is going to catch these hands because my heart is hurting. just to confirm, no one has gotten off the waitlist for aerospace, mechanical, or comp sci for engineering right?!

I have not seen anyone post about getting off the WL for mechanical or CS. I thought someone posted earlier about 1 aerospace admit - either here or on Facebook UCLA 2024 class page.

has anyone heard about a computer engineering admit from waitlist yet???

Some days before, I called the UCLA undergraduate office of admissions, and they said they were going to accept students off waitlist until August, so stay hopeful! Btw, one of my friends (international student) was accepted off the waitlist yesterday, which means UCLA admission officers are offering admissions these days. I really wanted to go to UCLA as one of the important people in my life is there and I really appreciate the academic resources at UCLA. Now, as a UVA student, I have to take a 5-hour flight to see her.

I just checked my decision page and found this:

** Note: Not all decisions have been made for students on the waitlist. **

Decisions will be made on a rolling basis and will be posted here on our decision site. Please continue to check back. An email will also be sent to notify you once a decision has been made.

So I guess we wont be having any more waves

@seylin4 as of now nothing for instate comp sci.

@seylin4 On Reddit there were a few people who got into engineering but maybe CS Iā€™m not sure but you can check

Question for those in the waitlist. Do you see in your portal anything indicating that you are still in the waitlist?

My D opted-in before the deadline, but she sees nothing on her portal indicating so. All it says is the letter saying she can opt-in an at the bottom it says ā€œThe deadline to opt-into the waitlist has passedā€

Iā€™m curious if others in the waitlist see the same thing or not.

yes. i have a green check mark and it says
ā€œYes, I accept the Waitlist Option for UCLA. I understand that this is not a guarantee of an offer of admission, but rather an opportunity to be considered for admission if space permits for additional Fall Quarter 2020 applicants after Mayā€

they also recently added a red box thing above that and it says something about rolling admission

Ohhhh nooooo!!! This sounds like the opt-in never went through for us. I recall my D added the semester grades and the planned AP tests to be taken. Something must have gone wrong!

@Gumbymom or anyone. Do you know what can be done? Did this happen to anyone else?

Till august? My heartā€¦

@nwsreader: All you can do is contact UCLA admissions to find out if the opt-in went through or not. If it did not go through, ask them if it is possible to be still put on the waitlist, but it seems very late into the process. Sorry I cannot be any more help.

@nwsreader I think her opt in did not go through :frowning:

Does anyone know whether they send the flyer or proof of acceptance after getting accepted from waitlist? Itā€™s been over a month and I want to have it as a memory :frowning: And trustā€¦ thereā€™s still hope :slight_smile: wish yā€™all best


UCLA waitlist is mentioned

** Note: Not all decisions have been made for students on the waitlist. **

Decisions will be made on a rolling basis and will be posted here on our decision site. Please continue to check back. An email will also be sent to notify you once a decision has been made.

Got the same message. What does it really mean? And hope open ended is this with respect when we will know one way or the other? I guess it means we still have a chanceā€¦

Does anyone know if people on the waitlist who applied for the Luskin School of Public Affairs will get admitted based into the school itself like CS or will it be like Letters and Sciences?

@riceandcrackers Iā€™m a luskin waitlist admit. My waitlist acceptance letter said letters and sciences, and I donā€™t think there is any difference in the process (itā€™s not like samueli). I know of 10-12 other people who were luskin admits.

I think luskin is not a direct admit. I could be wrong.

At least as of a year ago, it is not. You are admitted to L&S and then have to be accepted later.