UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

@10s4life @Gumbymom Do you think there will still be freshman students pulled off the waitlist during the next two weeks (before 6/15)? My daughter is still waiting and it is her first choice school :frowning:

GPA 4.45
ACT 36
National Merit Finalist
All AP courses in senior year
Great ECs (captain of varsity sports team, volunteering, etc.)
Essays good enough to have been accepted to Cal, UCSB, Duke :slight_smile:
In-State student

UCLA is her first choice for many reasons. Plus her brother currently attends UCLA so she has seen what an amazing place it is for 3 years now. Hard to see her still waiting, especially when the others in her peer group at school (she is one of the top 5 students of her school) all got accepted (about 10 of them total). And more recently a couple of students from her school got pulled off the waitlist but had ā€œlesser credentialsā€ā€¦happy for them but sheā€™s still waitingā€¦

any one here heard anything back yet for instate comp sc major?

@justkeepgoing: Congratulations to your daughter for all the great college options but unfortunately I have no insight if UCLA will continue accepting waitlisted applicants. This has been a crazy year and I have never seen UCLA accept so many waitlisted applicants in any admissions cycle. Depending upon how long she is willing to wait for an answer, decisions could stretch well into summer. Hopefully UCLA will not string along the waitlisted applicants for too much longer.

Tell your Daughter that where she goes for Undergrad will not define her and she will be successful as long as she takes advantages of all the opportunities given to her.

Best of luck to her.

@justkeepgoing Congrats to your daughter. Theyā€™re all fantastic schools. Unfortunately I do not know if L&S will accept any more students. Itā€™s been a crazy year and thereā€™s no telling where they are right now. If other schools keep pulling from a waitlist then ucla May experience more people leaving than usual and will need to continue using the waitlist as well. Itā€™s all up in the air.

whatā€™s the point in listing your kidā€™s stats? unless your kid is accepted, their stats donā€™t really contribute much to the conversation except for you to get clout

transfer waitlist decisions came out yesterday, so hopefully some decisions come out today :confused:

any one hear anything yet for instate?

nope :frowning:
Maybe they might tell us tomorrow? Fingers crossed

"Tomorrow"s come and go ā€¦ acceptance letters have not come :frowning: :frowning:

did any one get email from UCLA yet for instate waitlist?

Hey guys,
I have recently found out that I have been admitted off the waitlist. unfortunately, I have missed the deadline as I did not receive any email or notification.
Do you know any way I can contact them immediately to retrieve my offer?
I would be very grateful for you help.

Thank you


I think you can still contact them and let them know that you didnā€™t receive any emails. If you donā€™t mind me asking, how did you find out about your offer? and when you received it?

I randomly decided to open the portal, and I found out that the deadline to accept the offer has passed.
I went to check my email once again and I did not receive anything in my inbox nor spam.

Ah okay
What was your major and are u in/out of state?
Also, what was ur deadline for opting in?

Has anyone heard anything recently? Especially for L&S instate

  • intl
  • chem engineering
  • deadline was 29th of May Iā€™m really worried I would be disregarded. I hope you can reassure me !!

Hey, guys so Iā€™m doing some cool projects over the summer than what I originally wrote in my waitlist box - do you think I should fill out the contact us for reported changes form and let them know that I am working on diff stuff? Do internships relate to the non-academic info section?

@strawtree Theyre wrapping up decisions and they can only use material done prior to the application or occasionally first semester senior year/up until they request information. Stuff done now or intending to do over summer doesnā€™t apply.

Aww man, that sucks but thanks for letting me know @10s4life

any news yet for instate?