UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

@Sonia2020 Ok thanks for clarifying. So, I have actually contacted my admissions officer. They are your representatives as they are assigned by state. I think if you google “meet your representative-UCLA undergrad admission” then it should send you to a UCLA admission site that will ask which category applies to you which I’d assume for you is “currently in high school”. Then a list of US states will have a name of a UCLA admission officer next to them. You click on the AO of your state and their email should pop up.

Hey guys so I think the last day to be on the waitlist is July 1st I think my parents read it from the UC website. After that we might find out our results

Hey guys,
General advice
Do not rely on your emails regarding your portal status. I have been taken off the waitlist without any email.
To stay on the safe side. check your portal every 2-3 days.

That’s great! What major were you/instate or out and when did u find out/deadline?
Sorry for sm questions but it helps to provide an idea for what’s ahead

@strawtree Lets hope its true and they dont extend till late July.

I am checking it EVERY DAY :smiley:

should we make a ucla discord server to make it easier to discuss?

@vickyhhhhh0906 tbh I doubt there’s going to be much to discuss. It’s been awfully quiet lately.

My major is Chemical engineering
I recieved my acceptance on the 23rd of May (deadline on the 29th) where I only opened my portal on the 6th of June, which was waaay past the deadline. I had about a week to retrieve my acceptance.

@vickyhhhhh0906 I don’t think there is much to talk about. I think this long wait for a response from UCLA has kind of drained the life out of me and has probably done that for others on here as well.

Hey guys! I got accepted on May 1st from the waitlist, and I got the accepted students package today for those who are still looking out for the physical letter

@gogauchos2024 that’s a pretty long time to wait for a student package. Are you out of state and did you get notified May 1 by email/portal about this acceptance? If you don’t mind me asking.

UCLA just announced that only 15-20% of their classes will be in-person (some labs, some performing arts, clinical classes, others that are hard to teach online). This may be good news for us, considering some students may not want to go to an online university!

@gogauchos2024 - That’s good news! My D was accepted the same day and hasn’t received anything yet. I thought she wouldn’t get one.

The potential for online classes and travel concerns for foreign students is why the summer melt may be a bigger concern for all schools - along with financial constraints due to the economy- and the reason for the longer waitlists. We will see how big of an impact this has on top tier schools like UCLA.

on the housing FAQS UCLA has distance from campus for first year students,
do you think this might open up instate waitlist?
but i think we all will know for sure by June 30

AO weren’t in office until last week I believe, which is why they didn’t send them out earlier. I live about ten miles from campus, in state. @akawho19

Wait even if internationals decide not to go to online school - will they have a backup uni to go to? If not then they might stick with UCLA

It’s unpredictable for the summer melt but it’s likely it won’t be a big effect. It’s because most schools are all in the same boat and ucla is still a great school. Looking long term in person classes will be happening soon. I doubt many would let 1-3 quarters affect a 4 year decision.

That is why the universities are all keeping online on the table so they don’t lose the international students who currently can’t travel.