UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

@ambitionsquared Updates won’t be read. If you send them now they will either be discarded or they’ll send u a reply email saying they won’t accept new stuff. Is your mom tenured ladder faculty or an adjunct/lecturer? And which dept/school. That distinction makes a huge difference

Not tenured, assistant prof in dental school for a long time. Guessing that won’t do anything?

@ambitionsquared Yeah unfortunately no.

@10s4life They stated on the post that they recently just got off the waitlist and then posted immediately after but idk I could be wrong

I believe so, but also could have been sent in awhile back but posted late to the page.


Do you guys think UCLA will end the waitlist by July 1st/2nd?

@strawtree at this point who knows

I keep thinking it’s over mannn :frowning:


@strawtree Ucla has to let everyone know though they are not admitting any one from waitlist and notification has to be sent out.
that’s what am thinking

Yeah for sure but I’m thinking that we are in the middle of the summer and haven’t seen much movement since June 1st

July 1st and still nothing…damn

I’d like to mention that GT said that by the 15th all decisions should be out. So maybe we can expect UCLA to close the waitlist at that time.

fingers crossed

Did anyone manage to reach the UCLA admissions office for official information on when they expect all waitlist decisions to be released by?

all they’ll say is that there doing it on a rolling period so there really is no final date.

Do u guys think there are any more sports left in L and S? That was filled up pretty quickly in May

Tbh no. From what I’ve heard from incoming UCLA students the administration had done a good ten waves of decisions and the students believe that the school is already done with final decisions. At this point it’s all a matter of waiting for the final notification and hoping you’re one out of the many who manages to get into their acceptance pool still during this time of the year.

This is so annoying and depressing - thanks @akawho19 for the info