UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion



I am a bio major! Deciding between UCSD, UCSB, UCI and UC Davis. I am leaning toward SD though!

Georgia Tech CS, but I really wanna go to UCLA ;-;

Next few weeks will be interesting to say the least. My son was accepted off waitlist for Lehigh a few days after the RD decisions. I know GT started taking kids off the waitlist last week. He also just received notice from UIUC that space has become available in engineering (he was accepted for his 2nd choice major). Schools will be scrambling to fill spots - I think earlier than usual.

U of Washington also went to their waitlist almost a month before they said they would - I was accepted around April 9 and I know others were accepted even before that. There are some saying that the potential for limited housing will push the UCs to admit local so students can commute, but the rest of the nation (public, at least) seems to be following a trend of increasing OOS waitlist admits to recoup full tuitions. Iā€™m OOS myself so personally Iā€™m hoping for the latter.

On a side note, will the content originally in my application (6 semester grades, ACT, ECs, essays, etc.) be considered on the waitlist, or will it be based on new information, such as senior grades, my interest statement, major, etc.? Iā€™m hoping for the latter since I had an upward grade trend and wrote a good interest statement but had underwhelming HS grades (3.6/4.0). @Gumbymom perhaps you have an answer for this? Maybe nobody does thoughā€¦

@user_459744: I cannot tell you positively how UCLA will review students from the waitlist, but I would imagine they will look at your original application along with your waitlist statement, new information and grades to get the whole picture before admitting any students.

Also, UCSB just started admitting people off the waitlist - earlier than usual I suspect. Perhaps the first wave is just around the corner!

I sirā€™d to usc, hoping to go to ucla tho!

I will be sending my SIR to UCI. Hoping for the best from UCLA. Wish you all the best of luck.

Does anyone know if itā€™ll be easier to get off the waitlist being OOS or IS? I donā€™t know who would be willing to pay full tuition for online learning because of Coronavirus (referring to OOS). Would UCLA consider admitting IS instead because of this ? Or would they admit OOS because theyā€™re relying on their tuition.

@kyz2020 Everything is speculation. There is no way to predict because itā€™s different than past years. Weā€™ll just have to see how Undergraduate Admissions approach the dilemma. Are you IS or OOS?

Youā€™re absolutely right. There is no way of knowing how they will approach the waitlist given the circumstances. Iā€™m IS wby?

I hope that they favor IS over OOS and INTL. Under the current circumstances, student and their families prefer to stay close to home. I understand that UCLA needs money to operate, but it should not be at the expense of IS students and their families. It is not about wanting to go to UCLA, it is about allowing students and their families to be at ease as the students transition to college. UCLA is after all a land grant University that was created for residents.

Sorry. My mistake UCLA is NOT a land grant univerity. UCB is the only land grant university.

@kyz2020 Ayyy Iā€™m IS too, Bay Area

We cannot conclude anything because UCLA did not provide any information yet. However, we can say that there is higher chance of getting accepted in comparison to previous years. I am also IS.

Article on Berkeley News dated April 17. The leadership (i.e. Chancellor and uper leadership) mentioned enrollment several times, ā€œā€¦Given the importance of fall enrollment to our budget picture, the campus is executing an aggressive approach to admissionsā€¦ā€ The enrollment is tied to the budget, ā€œā€¦We do not yet have a clear picture of what fall enrollment will look likeā€¦ā€ It is suprising that with only two weeks to May 1, UCB still does not have a ā€œclear pictureā€ of enrollment numbers. Likely explaination is that SIRs are down. less money= more budget cuts. More money = less budget cuts. Budget cuts are inevitable. The question is just how deep.

@CaliBoy2024 I believe itā€™s the opposite. Enrollment numbers are dependent on budget. In a past waitlist thread, there was an instance where the state government was managing education budgets. At the time, waitlisted individuals were uncertain because if UCs didnā€™t receive any grants or funding, they wouldā€™ve had to cut enrollment. Fortunately that year, the state came to an agreement that didnā€™t hinder enrollment rates that year. I believe itā€™s also stated somewhere that UCLA doesnā€™t depend on admission money coming in as much because of the funds secured from other sources. I could be wrong though.

Hello, I originally opted in to the waitlist on March 26, but yesterday, (after April 15), I accidentally pressed the submit button again, so it now says last updated April 16. Will this invalidate my spot on the waitlist, as I updated after the deadline of April 15?