UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

Do check if you got an email, after you updated your option on April 16. I would believe that you do not get an email, and the submit button has become null. In essence, your March 26th option would be taken, since after April 15th, the submit button ceases to function.

@vroomvroom1_23 I got an email after both times that I submitted, both saying that I am now on UCLA’s waitlist.

I uploaded my loci and accepted my spot on the waitlist, but I never got a confirmation email. Am I screwed?

check your spam

@user1122334455 oh I see. That sounds funny.

@vroomvroom1_23 so do you think I still have a spot on the waitlist?

@user1122334455 You got an email saying you’re on the waitlist, so I wouldn’t worry too much. Only admissions knows the system well enough to tell you for sure. Give them a call Monday at (310) 825-3101.

Do you guys anticipate the coronavirus will negate all OOS and international waitlists from being admitted, in turn increasing acceptance chances for in state waitlists?

It’s not in my spam either. I sent an email but I’ll call Monday too

@chriskolta To be honest, it could turn either way. As of now, people believe that it will be more difficult for in-state to get off the waitlist since the yield would be higher for them.

Also another question, will the admissions officers actually read the LOCI’s or disregard them because they weren’t required.

They will absolutely read them!

waitlisted for fall 2020
in state
undeclared (life sciences)
GPA- 4.40w, 3.97nw
SAT- 1450
6 AP’s, 3 Advanced classes, 1 Honors class
100+ volunteer hours
Music school (piano) for 9 years
National Honor Society
California Scholarship Federation
Lifetime Principal Award
Character Education Award
3rd place School Science fair
Participation in Bruin MUN

@chriskolta I doubt that they would negate all OOS and INTL admissions. But that also might be my hopeful thinking as an OOS applicant

@chriskolta The point that OOS/International applicants bring them major revenue is also one thing to consider. Whatever the case, they would not want to undercut their revenues by a large margin

Okay but I couldn’t even sleep last night thinking of UCLA !!! I kept waking up and I even dreamt about it ): I’m going crazy guys !!

How is everyone’s shelter-in-place while they’re waiting for a waitlist notification? I’ve been so unoccupied I just calculated the rate of my parents’ bathtub leak.

Is anyone else really worried that they won’t get off the waitlist bc they are low-income+in state? I feel like they will take more OOS/International who will pay full tuition contrary to ppl thinking they will be affected negatively.

Yeah low-income+in state! I do not know what will happen but whatever! I cannot change their decision.

Some UC schools (UCSB for example) have already started sending out waitlist decisions, so I have a feeling UC schools are definitely looking for more out of state students.