UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

maybe they did who knows !

the waitlist I think is also huge this year. But in keep in mind that the waitlisted applicants also includes OOS. OOS applicants are tending to commit to the schools in their state due to COVID

^also that is based on what Iā€™ve been observing this entire month until now

Saw on UCB waitlist thread and an article that CSUF is going online and admitted UCSC students had an option for deferral. Wondering what that means moving forward for other UCs and the waitlists!

Iā€™m also a waitlisted applicant to UCLA. The submit button in the admission portal just disappeared, and it shows my full letter instead of the first 180 characters. I guess the first wave is coming soon.

I checked the portal the waitlist info is locked again. Could this mean something?

Last year the first wave was released on Tuesday, April 23 around 12 at noon (East Daylight Time).

Did anyone ask someone from last year if the waitlist info being locked again meant something?

UCSC sent out email offering chance to defer enrollment to 2021. Looks like SIR are below expectations. Good for waitlist at all UCs.

@tallami Very interesting indeedā€¦Letā€™s pray for us waitlists to get in.

I went back and checked the waitlist thread from Class of 2023, and someone said that the submission box was locked on April 16th, and then by April 23rd they were receiving waitlist admissions. So I would think that them locking the submission box means that we should hear back from he first wave within the next few days.

@ryebread01 fingers crossed

Yay, guys! Weā€™re getting somewhere now.

I got the full letter preview too. Iā€™m wondering if everyone got it, or if itā€™s a hint?

Has anyone heard anything?

Mine shows my whole thing too

So does mine

Will we receive an email notification?

waitlist more like painlistā€¦ i love ucla pls love me back

Wait are people getting emails?