UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

Did not get an email. Once you login to the portal, its greyed out and the information you had entered is displayed.

No people are not getting emails

Haven’t gotten anything, my waitlist response is still on the page, it’s just that I can’t edit it anymore/

my waitlist response is on the page too. I can’t edit it either but my friend had appealed and she said that she can’t see her appeal anymore either except whenever she logs in, she sees a message saying that her appeal has been received and they’re looking at her record again

Did anyone else’s formatting get messed up after submitting their letter even though they formatted it in the waitlist letter box?

Did you use the tab key instead of the space key? It seems that the box doesn’t recognize the tab key after submission.

The same thing happened to my UCSB waitlist letter, but I still got off the waitlist. Don’t worry too much.

I got a confirmation email on the 15th

@ceo of waitlist I see that two forces have met.

How many acceptance waves are there?

When do we think the first wave will come out?

@2024co11ege last year the first acceptance wave was April 23, and the second was April 30. Hopefully they do another pre May 1 acceptance wave this year as well

I know there were atleast two or three but I think it varies depending on how many accept/decline each wave. UCSD is the only UC I saw with pre May 1 acceptances for in-state and OOS students since UCLA only did OOS before May 1.

Say any of us did get in, do you think they’d not offer the option to defer if we are going to be online for our freshman year?

Does anyone know how many they admit each wave?

UCD started pulling from waitlist today according to Reddit.

UCD (OSS) started pulling from waitlist today according the UCD Waitlist thread 2024 on this website.

@2024college . . .

They should offer it, in addition to allowing students to take classes from the local community college (or college) online with liberal acceptance of units, provided that the courses are legitimately college-level. I think this would only be fair. This should apply to everyone, although it’d be tougher for those who are deeply into upper division and are upperclassmen, because the level of courses would be difficult to replicate at a two-year or even many four years.

With Santa Cruz setting a precedent for incoming freshmen in deferment, I think the other UCs will follow. And let’s hope for the best that it’s at worst just the first term, fall quarter or fall semester, that is canceled.

I received an email from UCI that housing is no longer guaranteed for the Fall 2020. Also, UCI posted a FAQ that basically says Fall classes will likely be online. I imagine the school felt that OOS/INTL students must be given fair notice of the change in the guaranteed freshman housing. I imagine UCLA will also feel compelled to do the same. Wonder if now OOS/INTL students will rethink going to UCLA?

Got the email too! i do not believe that it has a major impact!