UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

If you’ve already fulfilled your “G” (arts) requirement for the A-Gs, I wouldn’t sweat it. I doubt that would be considered as heavily as other community college courses.

UCLA doesn’t consider major when applying to L&S, so I assume it’s the same thing here.

I think earlier on in this thread someone(I forget who, so I apologize to them) said that waitlist admissions are read by a general board of admissions, not by the separate departments/majors, so your major should not have an effect on your chances of getting in.

I feel that so hard. But it’s pretty much the same as writing your best Alumni Scholarship essays and then getting waitlisted and they’re never read. Sadly, just the way the cookie crumbles.

@ryebread01 I think you’re referring to a comment I posted, but I didn’t really take it that way. I would imagine that even if it’s a general admissions committee reading them, they’d still be looking to fill holes in specific departments. Just my guess.

Has anything heard anything yet? Just curious


I don’t think so :frowning: Hopefully some people will hear early next week I just want to know if they are even going to accept anybody lol

I’m losing more and more hope as each day passes by lol

They’re probably waiting for the last weekend to pass. This is the time most last-minute admittees will put in their SIR.

you’re right, That makes sense. they may release some decisions earlier next week but my guess is that the first wave will come on thursday which is 4/30 like past years


How could they not go to their waitlist? Don’t they need to because of the pandemic and lack of enrollment?

Wow so we’ve all been obsessing over UCLA for nothing? :frowning:

This might be a tough pill to swallow for some, but there might just be a possibility that UCLA anticipated that there would be a lower yield due to the pandemic, and accepted more applicants than years past. Or, they might be fine with a smaller class this year due to the financial uncertainty/hemorrhaging thus far. Regardless, we shouldn’t needlessly be getting our hopes.

Can they just let us know now if they’re not taking anyone off the waitlist? It would save me a lot of stress

I did not read iamapolarbear’s comment. Can someone elaborate? I

Colleges usually try to accept as many as they can do they can get all the money they can. They’ll definitely take some people off the list, we just don’t know how many. We probably won’t hear much until after may 1st because that’s when UCLA will have more solid numbers. Plus, there’s a new rule that colleges can make offers to students after the decision deadline, which will also change things. There’s too many variables to consider to try and figure out how it’s gonna go down, but the waitlists will definitely be used


This article helps to explain it

Anyone else’s application status unavailable?

yes i cant login any more