UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

What do we all think about a wave coming out tomorrow or Tuesday???

@2024college I really do hope that out of states and internationals at least come out this week so that we all know that UCLA is using the waitlist. I also do really hope that some in states can get accepted before May 1st; however, this is also very unlikely. But, I say lets keep our heads up because we have one final shot left. I really do hope we hear back from someone getting off the waitlist during this week so we know that UCLA has started using the waitlist :slight_smile:


This is mentally draining I just wanna know lol weā€™ve waited so long

i mean iā€™d love it to be tomorrow or tuesday but it seems like things are not pointing that way. in the meantime, why donā€™t we share some great ways to pass the time so we donā€™t go clinically insane. here is my list of binge-watch recommendations:

  1. chernobyl mini-series (5 episodes, amazon) - really good. makes you rethink a lot of things about authority and standing up for whatā€™s right.
  2. hunters (10 episodes, amazon) - directed by jordan peele so obviously a quality show, if you can get past the smattering of conspiracy theories sprinkled in. very suspenseful and absorbing. makes you think about retaliation and when it goes too far.
  3. miss america - new series on FX and hulu about phyllis schlafly. lots of cringe moments but overall quality political/social commentary and a good assessment of cookie-cutter society
  4. cooking on high (netflix) - pretty self explanatory, this one has good food and some good ol fashioned thc.

letā€™s drop some other binge-watch/activity recs for us anxious waitlisters!

Whats a letter of regret?

@user_730755 oh no, why do you ask? Itā€™s basically a rejection letter. Hopefully youā€™re just asking out of curiosity.

@user_459744 Thank you for keeping it real. These recommendations are awesome and Iā€™ve really been in need of something to distract me!!

@janu2481 I genuinely didnā€™t know but someone had mentioned it earlier in the thread. I thought it was like a letter they send after school has started and they realize they didnā€™t have enough students and wished they took you off the waitlist or something. A rejection letter makes more sense though, thank you!

@user_730755 ah no issuesā€¦ I was just scared that they had already started sending them out which would normally not happen this earlyā€¦ hope none of us receive them!

My recommendations for binge-watch/book:
1)Westworld (3 seasons, Amazon)
2)Rick and Morty (4 seasons, Amazon)
3)Mars (the one produced by National Geographic, 2 seasons, Amazon)
4)Analysis - an amazing book about the foundations of mathematics wrote by UCLA professor Terence Tao.

Currently watching Ozark and it is pretty intriguing. I highly recommend it.

Yeah Ozark is one of the best shows of all time!

Does anyone think that they accepted more people like USC in anticipation of a lower yield?

I think most schools already finalized their decisions before the dates they actually released them, which was before everything got this serious. Itā€™s possible that they werenā€™t anticipating a significantly lower yield and accepted numbers similar to previous years. I say this because it seems like a lot of schools have started going to their waitlists earlier than usual, and many schools are actually expecting to go deeper into their waitlists than ever before. Again, this is only what Iā€™ve been reading in articles and Iā€™m basing this off of the schools that have already gone to their waitlists. Thereā€™s no way to truly know what will happen because it is ultimately up to admissions, so the only thing we can do is wait to see what happens. Itā€™s out of our control now, so we should all try to relax and not stress too much about it. We got this!

I appreciate you! We could all use a distraction so here are my recommendations:
1.) Gilmore Girls (oldie but a classic, Iā€™ve been rewatching it)
2.) Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
3.) Elite
4.)Extraction (Netflix movie)

@janu2481. I donā€™t think they did. Call me bitter, but I honestly think that USC maybe took on extra people who were willing to pay full. I come from a boarding school where there is a large economic disparity top to bottom, and it seems like the only kids who got in were the HYPMS-level kids and those a more well-off. I applied for FA and was outright rejected (not even transfer or spring admit), yet I got into places that are objectively more selective.

Again, this is PURE speculation. I am not saying thatā€™s what they did, but just based on my anecdotal evidence there MAY be a slight chance they did.

@WaitlistBoy never thought of it that wayā€¦ but honestly it could be because of money like you say

@waitlistboy I THINK, I do not know for sure, but this year was the first year of admissions after the scandal. Numbers wise I believe that their number of applicants dropped 10% from about 66000 to 60000 ish. So of course their acceptance rate would increase by around 5%. They also just passed a new order so that students coming from lower income areas can afford the costly school. This is just what I think tho.

but lets be honest, USC would do anything for the money