UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

are you CA though?

Everyone, Letā€™s include your hometown in your stat cuz I think that matters too

iā€™m oos from mi, here are my stats:
1400 SAT
32 ACT
3.8 UW, 4.18 W
taking all IB courses
relatively strong ECs

REJECTED: georgetown
WAITING ON: nyu, northwestern

if anyone knows, what are the chances of an oos applicant getting in through l&s? this has been my dream school for years and iā€™m going to drive myself crazy waiting another couple of months for a final decision. good luck to everyone on the waitlist! :slight_smile:

@notpaching I read through the waitlist thread from last year, and from what I saw, it seems like they admit more oos students than in state. Itā€™s so that they can pay the oos tuition and help them pay for low income students

Hi guys, Iā€™m an OOS applicant from NY and Iā€™m super disappointed that I was waitlisted but trying to have some hope!
I was accepted into UCSB & UCSD as well, still waiting to hear back from USC + UCB.
My Stats:
3.9 UW 4.2 W GPA
35 ACT
800 Math 2 770 Bio E
Bio Major

Hey friends,
Waitlisted OOS female from CT and super bummed :frowning:
SAT: 1540
SAT II: 740 Bio
Major: Cognitive Science
Lots of ECā€™s and leadership positions
Accepted: RIT, RPI, UCSD
Waiting on Brown, Yale, UPenn, USC, Northeastern, Carnegie Mellon
Do you think I gotta chance at these?? Iā€™m kinda anxious now.

Good luck with all your future decisions everyone!

So, in my ā€œrejectionā€ letter, it talks about the stats associated with the incoming class of 2024.

ā€œUCLA received just under 109,000 applications for admission to our freshman class for an entering class of just over 6,300 students, so admission this year was exceptionally competitive.ā€

By ā€œentering class,ā€ do they mean they admitted 6,300 applicants or do they simply expect 6,300 students of the applicants they admitted to attend? Iā€™m assuming the latter, but Iā€™m just a bit curious since the former would give UCLA an acceptance rate of 5.8%, which is outrageous, of course.

@fancypaperpls . . .

Hereā€™s a link: http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-los-angeles/2146624-ucla-class-of-2024-discussion.html#latest

with my #1057, where I did an explanation.

tl;dr, expect class to be approximately:

Total Apps, 108,900
Accepted, 14,651, 13.5%
Enrolled, 6320, 43.1% yield

My son was waitlisted but is having trouble opting in to the wait list. He listed his fall grades and spring schedule but every time he clicks submit, the page refreshes. Did anyone else have trouble? His stats:

Male, mixed Asian, Illinois
Undecided major
34 ACT
GPA 4.4 W, 3.6 UW
2-sport varsity athlete
Other volunteer work for nonprofit

@fancypaperpls Put simply, itā€™s the difference between ā€œacceptedā€ and ā€œadmitted.ā€ Accepted is how many were offered spots (maybe 10-15%); admitted is how many end up attending/enrolled (the 5.8%).

@WhimsicalSquid . . .

I think this is how it was worded:

People are inputing the 5.8% acceptance rate themselves. For those who were accepted, you were one if I remember correctly ā€“ congrats if so, it wouldnā€™t have mentioned the 6,300 students.

@firmament2x Gotcha. Iā€™m sure your analysis was sound; Iā€™d tried the link but it had moved to a different page by then so I just tried to give a basic explanation. And I wish you were correct about getting in! My daughter was waitlisted too. :confused:

@whimsicalsquid . . . Yeah, youā€™d have to go back to page 53 to find my post #1057. This message board is so quirky. :slight_smile: Sorry about your daughter, but I just noticed that she must have applied to DMA, and if she doesnā€™t get off the WL, Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll have some other great choices. All the best!

5% acceptance rate for DMA; I canā€™t imagine the portfolio that would be neeeded.

They have spots for about 6,400 students, but typically accept around 15,000

My DS was one of the few last year that was accepted from the waitlist as an in-state engineering major. He was accepted on 5/8.

When he asked us what his chances from the waitlist were, we told him that historically it was 0% (which is what I had heard for engineering). He still put in his best effort on his waitlist response. He listed his senior year courses and grades (fall and in progress), listed recent honors, and wrote a letter in which he expressed his interest in UCLA and told what he had been involved in since the time of applying. Here are tips that I gave him:

  • Let them know clearly that UCLA is your top choice, but do not beg or whine. Add some personal thoughts or experiences so it's not just a generic statement.
  • Think about the parts of your application that were weaker, and bring out strengths in those areas even if those experiences did not seem significant.
  • As with all application essays, connect your experiences to how they show your character (not just your accomplishments) or how they changed you/will affect you in college/beyond.
  • Be positive and cheerful throughout; you want them to read your response and say, "This is the type of student we want at UCLA!"

We thought he wrote a good letter, but I donā€™t know if it had any bearing or not since I heard that others who did not submit anything were also admitted. Best of luck to all of you, and as many have said, know that you can have a great experience wherever you go. It was actually a little hard for my son to withdraw his SIR to his initial school since he started appreciating its positives and growing attached to it, but he absolutely loves it at UCLA, and being in its energetic community has brought out so much more in him. Being waitlisted made us appreciate it all the more.

Engineering for sure took people last year, but most of them were in Civil and Aerospace, because they came in low. So they donā€™t universally take them across the board, they take them where they have seats to fill.

The College doesnā€™t really admit by major (even though you are ā€œadmittedā€ to a major according to your letter), so they can kinda be a little more general about taking people off a WL.

@Firmament2x Yes, DMA, and she had her heart set on it. Itā€™s really different from other design programs, and waitlist is a longshot because hardly anyone turns it down. Sheā€™s trying to regroup and make the best of it. Thanks for the kind words, and best of luck to you!

@StillLotsToLearn Thanks for the great practical advice.

Thank you for the advice on what to include in the letter! I wasnā€™t sure what was ā€œappropriateā€ to put in the letter but I migh as well give it my all since itā€™s my last chance to win over the admission committee of my dream school.

Prob something for next year but World Arts and Culture is known to be the backdoor major into DMA.