UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

Or they would do anything for a rowing team member lol?

@vroomvroom1_23 lol yes HAHA

The fact that no one’s gotten off the waitlist yet but we’re already 30 pages into this thread. Damn lol

@sam20022020 I know! Looking at past discussions, people were announcing they got off the waitlist on page 4 or 5 lol. Then there is us, 30 pages of theories, people stressing out, and sharing tv recommendations. I love it though. This thread has helped me stay sane over the past month.

It’s definitely because quarantining is putting us all on edge

I really hope decisions come out today or at least before May 1st for in states, out of states, and internationals!

Yeah I’m really hoping for some good news this week, this past month has been way too long. Scratch that, these past six months since applications were due have been rough haha

Waitlists can be the worst because you never know exactly when you’ll be notified of your final decision… at least with the regular decision releases you get more of a concrete date. This is just painful

By the way, does anyone know of a specific time of day that UCLA likes to release waitlist offers? from the 2023 thread I saw that some were released as early as 9 am pst, but do they also release stuff in the afternoon/evening too?

Does anyone think they may come out tomorrow or today? Because it makes sense if they released last year on the 23rd of April

@kook2323 I think that decisions will most likely come out around 3/4 PST because this was the trend I think last year, but many people last year were also saying that they woke up to an email already about ucla and so anything can happen. I personally just want oos and internationals to come out this week so I know that UCLA is using the waitlist now and so that means in states will probably hear back soon as well?

@chanimalnam I also want in states to hear back this week too! It makes sense if more in states get off the waitlist because in this pandemic, no one is willing to travel. I mean I guess that’s unfair for out of states but all in all, I hope at least some OOS, Internationals, and in states hear back!

@kook2323 I mean yes definitely. I really wish that in states can hear back like this friday since it will be May 1. But since normally out of states and internationals hear back first, at the minimum i want them to hear back so we know in states are going to hear back soon. But yes I want in states to hear back this week as well

Hi, I am an Asian male OOS and was waitlisted. Does anyone know when they will get back to us students with our waitlist decisions and do you think the coronavirus will have a strong impact on the number of students?

@ilee20 Hi! Based on last year, apparently there were decisions released before May 1st like in late April for OOS and Internationals and some In states. I feel like anything is possible now. Honestly, I think COVID will have a strong impact on the number of students. They may take in more OOS or internationals for the money or they may take more in states because not everyone is in the same situation economically speaking. So it can really go anyway. Not really sure though.

It would be sweet to hear about people getting in tomorrow.

I hope there’s some action soon. UCLA gives 3 days to accept a waitlist offer so if they release it tomorrow, those offered spots would have three days to act on it by May 1.

By the way, if anyone does get in throughout this week and you want to share your news, include whether you’re in-state, OOS, or INT! Major too if you’d like. This thread is super active and this information helps us understand UCLA’s waitlist waves :smile:

I hope you guys SIR’ed before though and not waiting until the last minute. There’s a bunch of deadlines to do along with the SIR if you plan to enroll at another institution and it can get pretty overwhelming if you wait.

I just got off in waitlist UCSB in state, Hopefully UCLA will announce tomorrow