UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

what kinds of topics should be included in the 7000 character box? I updated my 1st sem senior courses, but what else should I add? Is it supposed to be like a “Why UCLA?” box?

ooh also my stats:
in state
uw gpa: 4.0, weighted: 4.4 or something
SAT: 1470
SAT II: Bio – 800, Math II – 790, French – 800
AP Tests: Bio – 5 (Taking Calc BC, Gov, and Spanish later this semester)
ECs are prob a weak point, very involved in only a couple of things
Essays I thought were a 7 to 8 out of 10

@StillLotsToLearn, that was nice.

@bigyikestm, you maybe should tag the person whom you are addressing.

sorry disregard this ty

Stats for anyone who wants a reference
In state (San Jose)
Major: Pre-Data Theory
UW GPA: 4.0
UC GPA: 4.25
SAT: 1430 (690 English 740 Math) 6/4/6 essay
SAT II Subject Tests: Math Level 2 (690), Literature (660) (yeah, it was a rough ride)
APs: AP Lang (4), APUSH (3), AP Physics 1 (didn’t take AP test)
This year I’m taking AP Calc AB, AP Psych, AP US Gov and AP Macro Econ
Note: My school offers regular level classes or APs, but no honors classes, so to make my schedule manageable I kind of had to pick and choose my rigorous courses wisely since there was no middle ground.
ECs: Mainly involved in band (1st chair clarinet) and martial arts (black belt and junior instructor), some volunteer work, lighter involvement in robotics, and I had a job in food for a few months during my senior year
Essays were decent, I asked 2 of the AP English teachers at my school to help me revise them. Seeing as how my stats are pretty average/below average for UCLA, they probably made somewhat of a difference.
Also I was accepted at UCR, UCSC, UCD and UCI and waitlisted at UCSD and UCSB.

@10s4life Wow, interesting about World Arts and Culture. I thought DMA was almost impossible to switch into; why is it easier from there? It seems like a big risk to take, though: If you never make it in, you’re stuck with…World Arts and Culture (no offense, it’s just very different). And if you did, it might take extra time to get out if you had to start with WAC courses. No hurry, I know you’re dealing with a million questions on here right now, and TIA.

@WhimsicalSquid Its actually a backdoor to leave dma entirely and switch to L&S.

@10s4life You’ve lost me. I guess I thought you meant a backdoor to DMA. You’re just saying if somebody wanted to leave DMA?

@WhimsicalSquid Its a backdoor to admission to ucla L&S as a high school applicant. At least for those that are more on the artsy side. If someone in hs doesn’t have great academics but fits the description for WAC well then theoretically they can apply for that since no portfolio is required and academics are taken less into account. Then from there they can leave dma and switch to an L&S Major. It’s risky but something some students do.

@10s4life I totally get what you’re saying about WAC being a backdoor to L&S, and it’s very interesting. I just don’t get how DMA (completely different from WAC) factors in. “from [WAC] they can leave DMA and switch to an L&S major” - why would you involve DMA at all? But we’re already done with that part anyway, so feel free to leave it at that!

@10s4life OH - are you perhaps confusing DMA with DAA, Department of Arts and Architecture? Then it would all make sense!

@WhimsicalSquid haha yeah I meant arts and architecture. I saw a prev post say dma and subconsciously copied that too lol.

even if you are accepted to ucla from the waitlist, do you have to attend or can you got to the school you went paid the sir fee to?

@sparklingSun: You are not obligated to accept the waitlist admission. Your choice either way.

Does anyone know how roommates and housing works for students admitted off waitlist? Also will corona effect how many students get accepted off waitlist?

Daughter waitlisted
In state, NorCal
UW GPA 4.0, W GPA 4.47
ACT: 33
Full IB Diploma candidate, no AP classes
Strong mix of ECs (volunteering, athletics, clubs, leadership)
Accepted: UCSB, UCSD, UCD, Cal Poly, SDSU, UIUC, Wisc-Madison, UW, Oregon
Rejected: Georgetown
Waiting: UCB

Thoughts on whether the current situation with the corona virus might change kids plans? With solid in-state options, we will not go out of state at this point. We prefer to keep her a bit closer to home and not commit to a costly out-of-state school. Wondering if some out-of-state kids might decline opening up more room on the waitlist…

@NorCalKaren OOS yield is projected to be lower this year due to the virus. So technically, yes there should be more waitlist spots as long as in state yields remain flat. Since the virus can also mean more in state people decide to commit to ucla. For anyone in state and speaking from personal experience, it is easier logistically dealing with college and Coronavirus being in state. Having the option of driving in addition to flying is a lifesaver when the schools make you move out at a moments notice.

I was waitlisted and thought that I should share my stats:

UW GPA: 3.91
W GPA: 4.49
SAT: 1400 (English: 760; Math: 640)
SAT Literature Subject Test: 710
ACT: 30
APs: AP Lang (4), AP Lit (4), AP Calc A/B (2), AP Art History (5)
Currently taking AP Gov, AP Macro, and APES
Have taken a total of 11 dual enrollment courses through 2 community colleges.

Applied as a political science major in L&S.
In-state (Riverside County)

Accepted: SDSU, SFSU, CSU Fullerton, UW (Purple & Gold Scholarship), UCSD, UCSB (Chancellor’s Reception Invitation), and Emerson College (Aspire and Spotlight Scholarships)
Waitlisted: UCLA and UCI
Rejected: None yet :slight_smile:
Waiting for: UC Berkeley, USC, and NYU

Good luck to everyone else who was waitlisted!

@NorCalKaren I agree with @10s4life. I think beyond the logistical impacts of the coronavirus, the economy has been significantly impacted. People are losing jobs and investment portfolios have been really hurt. I believe that many OOS candidates will look to lower cost college options. This should have a direct impact on the number of wait list offers.

Internation Applicant (Chinese-Canadian) Female
Materials Chemistry/General Chemistry
GPA: 97%
SAT: 1480 (800 Math, 680 R&W)
SAT 2: 750 Chemistry, 740 Math 2, 800 Chinese with Listening
APs: currently taking chemistry, physics 2, English literature, and calculus BC
Waitlisted: UNC, UVA, UTA, UCLA
Rejected: UPenn
Waiting: UCB, UM