UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

Did anyone hear back for waitlist for UCLA for below majors?
Computer Science, B.S. waitlist
Computer Science and Engineering, B.S. waitlist

@chanimalnam . . . If UCLA admits at least fairly similarly to last year, then they will unfortunately wait until May for the IS set, but it will be a steady stream early in the month. (But then too there was a person who was accepted on June 4th I think it was last year ā€“ donā€™t know if she/he was IS or Intā€™l/OOS; Iā€™m thinking former, IS.)

I wouldnā€™t think theyā€™d be done with OOS/Inā€™tl either, but I donā€™t know if theyā€™d be done by the 1st.

A lot of the early acceptances (before May 1st) were low-yielding cohorts like the non-residential students.

Somewhere in between there will be a E/CS admit group because itā€™s also low yielding, but I donā€™t know if itā€™s before or after the 1st, maybe both depending on their residency.

Edit: I think another idea of informing non-residents before May 1st besides low yield is because theyā€™re also full-tuition payers generally. They probably need more time to go through their options financially to see if UCLA is fully possible.


wait so there may not be in state waitlists that come out tomorrow? oh nooo :frowning:

u still have time!

Really hoping there are more OOS acceptances this week

Will there be another OOS wave???

Based on internet posts how many people do we think got off the waitlist today, and what is that in comparison to how many usually get off in total from previous years?

what exactly does low yielding cohort mean? i understand that oos or intnl may be low yielding bc of covid19, but engineering/cs doesnt seem to be that way since not many people get off the waitlist for engineering? maybe iā€™m misunderstanding something here.

when do you guys think instates will come through?

@jeenn123 I really hope sometime this week preferably before May 1st but not sure

@anxietyyomgg . . . ā€œLow yieldingā€ means low(er) number who enroll off of those accepted. Cohort just means those of similar quality, or just ā€œgroup.ā€ Here are the numbers from 2019 (based on memory):

Cohort/Groupā€¦Yield %
E/CSā€¦31% (Combined IS, OOS, Intā€™l Students)

Based on these, the OOS have the lowest percentage who choose UCLA, undoubtedly b/c of cost. The E/CS group are next because there are a lot of good E/CS schools in the country and state, so they have a lot of options. Next is International b/c of costs, and similarly b/c they have options also. The IS students are more apt to weigh cost factors, so UCLA being relatively less costly becomes one of their best choices.

So based on these, there will be more W/L spots open up for the OOS group, then E/CS, then Internationals because of lower yields, if UCLA does indeed match W/L spots with these groups: OOS spot taken by OOS student, E/CS spot taken by E/CS student, etc.

Edit: Iā€™m sure that Covid does factor in; thatā€™s why admissions for 2024 is so unpredictable. There will be a good many who get off the W/L for E/CS, because UCLA is trying to bump up its E/CS programs. The University is in the process of hiring 100 additional E/CS professors, theyā€™re pouring money into it and the result will be probably ~ 1,000+ more undergrad E/CS majors.

@firmament2x thank you so much for clarifying! i really appreciate it. this definitely is good news for so many people.

@firmament2x also, may i ask where you got these numbers?

Just read on other threads here at CC that UCSD and UCI are admitting IS. So now UCSB, UCI, and UCSD are all pulling from IS. No appear that OOS/INTL pulled from those schools based on lack of postings. UCB not pulled any waitlist?!?!?! Very strange.


@CaliBoy2024 I believe ucsb had a international/oos wave but yeah it is strange to not see an international/oos wave for ucsd and uci before in state.

@anxietyyomgg . . . youā€™re welcome. Someone did make a good point that because of Covid, UCLA could have accepted a greater percentage, anticipating a lower yield. But the fact that UCLA has accepted students from W/L shows that it will from the various groups and undoubtedly beyond OOS and Inā€™tls.

Also, there were 5,920 who enrolled in 2019 which the University planned, and the University is anticipating enrolling 6,300+ this year unless their plans have changed. Again though, the Covid factor does add an unpredictability to the admissions process. And the E/CS enrollment increase will be over a decade in duration, along with hiring 100 new E/CS professors.

Here are the A/R and yield percentages related to IS, OOS, Intā€™l (first matrix):


Here are the A/R and yield percentages related to department including E/CS (second dashboard):


@CaliBoy2024 . . . UCI, UCSB and UCSD all have overall yields in the low 20%s maybe even the teens. UCLA has the second highest yield of 43% and UCB has the highest at 45% among all the UCs from 2019 numbers, which means those schools along with the others have to go to W/Ls a lot earlier.

Edit (not completing my thoughts) hereā€™s a link to yields by each UC:


go to the Top-25 destinations of UCs, click on campus to see yields.

can anyone please call admissions tomorrow morning and ask if there has been anyone that got off the waitlist for samueli engineering instead of L&S?? iā€™m international and canā€™t call abroad without paying a lot of money :((( SOMEONE PLEASEEE