UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

Okay, so you do receive a confirmation email after opting in the waitlist.

Son is waitlisted for Mechanical Engineering

In-State (Orange County)
UC GPA: 4.27 / Weighted: 4.7
ACT 35
Plenty of APs and ECs

Accepted: UCSD, UCI, SLO, SDSU, UCSB, Mines
Waitlisted: UCD, UCLA
Rejected: USC, UCB, Caltech

Has his heart set on SLO.

hello i also got waitlisted for college of letters and sciences and i was wondering if anyone knows whether waitlist admission stats are also dependent on the college?

oh whoops sorry i posted too early but is it also based on major or just college?

Along those lines, are the waitlist supplements read by general, college, or departmental admissions at this point (in particular for DMA)? Is every one reviewed for sure, or just in some order until the spots are filled?

From my research, it depends on what college you’re interested in attending. For example, I know for sure that the College of Letters & Science doesn’t admit depending on what major you choose but colleges such as Engineering and Nursing do. As for how waitlist supplements are read, I would like to think that the general admission department reviews it but on many accounts, they use the waitlist to admit students to maintain ratios and numbers such as In-State v. Out-of-State and how many people there are in each college.

@waitlistking2020 I think you’re right about the ratios. There must be SOME reason they have you write the supplements, though! Just curious how it works from this point, but like so much else about the process, it’ll probably remain a mystery.

Hi there. I’m coming over here from the UC Berkeley WL site. I read about some WL students on this forum and the UCB forum who have unbelievable academic numbers like @Joy2009 's son.

None of this thinking is new, but it might be worth revisiting.
I am thinking there are 2 possible factors:

  1. there are the 14 criteria that the UC’s use to evaluate applicants and/or the criteria that each school utilizes.


We’re assuming the assign a numeric value to each criterion, and they have caps or maximums. Obviously other people know way more about this than I do, but the overall theme at the top of the list is “As we consider each individual application - and rest assured, we do consider each one - we look beyond grades and test scores.” So as much as we assume that maxed out grades and test scores are a sure fire way into any UC, they’re probably carefully evaluating essays and extracurriculars. And valuable EC’s in our mind are not necessarily valuable to specific schools.

  1. there is also the idea that a school like UCLA or UCSB or Cal sees these over the moon grades and scores and immediately says “oh, there’s no way this kid is coming here. He’s going Ivy or Stanford. We’re not wasting an admission on him/her”
    This is ludicrous sounding, I know. There are certainly financial considerations for families and those private elites could be out of reach. But, who knows? If I were @Joy2009 's son, I would feel very disappointed and throw my hands up, screaming “what else am I supposed to do?” When you hear “Welp! You just never know!” and you’re on the wrong side of that, you feel like punching someone square in the face.

Hi, One question on this statistic that I have is on the offered admission on the waitlist. For UCLA 7,153 opted in and 935 were admitted. The missing piece is how many were offered admission and some of them chose not to as they might have accepted somewhere else by then
 Is that information available?

My son is waitlisted in L&S and his stats are:

Waitlisted Asian male (in-state)
Major: Maths

UW GPA: 4.0
W GPA: 4.56

SAT: 1600 (Single Attempt)
SAT Subject: 800 Math 2, 800 Physics, 800 Chemistry

APs: 11 (7 5’s 1 4 and 3 senior year)
ECs: National Merit Finalist - (Accepted at USC with Presidents Scholarship (1/2 off tuition))

Lots of other singing and dance. Science Olympiad finalists at state level.

Hi, I was waitlisted at UCLA but accepted at Berkeley and USC. + all the other UCs
What are my chances of getting off the waitlist?
I’m OOS btw, applied in L&S.

@Scambro - Look at @AniAni’s son status. It’s perfect!
You just never know what they are looking for, but I still hope he comes off the list.

He did get accepted to Berkeley and all other UCs.

@Joy2009 Yes, I read the numbers. Very impressive academic stats. Perfect in every sense of the word. I would never argue that someone like that is academically unqualified. Also, the pressure on students today is like nothing before, where they have to be perfect academically, and be very well rounded OR master some kind of skill or ability.

I was at a discussion once with 100+ UCB students, and I asked them what they thought, aside from good grades and scores, helped get in to school. Most of them agreed that to “focus on one thing that you’re passionate about for your time in HS, aside from academics, and make sure that it comes across in your application.” I think that is good advice for UCLA or any school.

@ AniAni

Pure guess:

out of 7,153 waitlisted last year, final admit was 935 even though maybe more are offered.
Also, I think most who were offered will be final admit.

(My Son. OOS Asian, waitlisted both at UCLA & UCB L&S.)

@YNWA007 I might be wrong but isn’t it that “admitted” means that they were offered a spot? Then “enrolled” means the actual number of people who chose to attend

Is it likely that UCLA will offer some waitlist acceptances before May 1? Have they done so in the past?

@dbrusoccer They did last year for some individuals, but I wouldn’t count on the chances of a waitlist notification before May 1.

@AniAni . . . per your quote:

Here’s a link that will show the WL stats for all the UCs. UCLA’s is about half way down the page (a little different from your info):


For UCLA, 2019:

Waitlist offers: 11,943
Wait List Opt-ins: 7,153 (59.9%)
WL Acceptances: 965 (13.5%)

So to answer your question, 4,790 had offers somewhere else and did not opt in, 40.1%. There were some though who opted in, heard back from UCLA and were accepted after May 1st, and withdrew their SIR to other universities (but with lost deposit of $200-300), and SIRed to UCLA. This is what happens when a university waits so long to send WL acceptances. The process needs to be improved.

Hi all, I got waitlisted for UCLA for a CSE major and am super disappointed, but I hope to try my hardest on the waitlist info box.
Unfortunately, I got my first 2 Bs during the first semester of senior year. I was wondering if putting our Senior year courses and grades in the box was required. If it isn’t required, do you guys think that it is a big disadvantage for me to include my grades?