UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion


What do they mean by “Stronger waitlist strategy to achieve enrollment targets”?

Does it matter when we send our letter in? I noticed UCLA has an April 15th Deadline, will it look better if you send it in earlier rather than later?

@sprashanth I don’t think it’ll matter… but I might be wrong.

How do you get to know this information of how many applicants are left to be reviewed on the waitlist of UCLA

@MrBean123 There’s no certain way of knowing but over the years, UCLA has tended to give 5% of applicants a spot on the waitlist. The number of people who are put on the waitlist, accept a spot on it, and are given admission all varies year to year.

is the waitlist update box supposed to be a place where I can copy paste a LOCI (letter of continued interest)? Also what’s supposed to go in it-- updates to your application (grades and ECs) or “why UCLA” or both?

@DumbledoresBeard My recollection is that the whole box was at your discretion; so if I felt my new grades were worse, I personally wouldn’t choose to emphasize them by putting them in. But you could call admissions for an official answer.

@sprashanth Admissions told us it didn’t matter when it was turned in.

@mp12345: UCLA does not consider an applicant’s level of interest in the admission process. By opting into the waitlist, you are showing your interest and you should not submit any documents including an LOCI if not requested.

Hello! I am finishing up my waitlist “essay” and I have a question about the grade portion. When writing down my high school for each line, can I shorten/abbreviate my high school name? For example, changing “Berkeley High School” to “Berkeley HS” or “BHS”. Do you think this is alright? I only ask because writing out the complete high school name uses so many characters.

@damedolla1234 That should be fine. Isn’t that what it shows on the example too?

Hey guys, I’m new here to CC. UCLA is my absolute DREAM school and I want to do everything I can to increase my chances of getting off the waitlist. Should I email my admissions counselor expressing my interest or something like that? I’ve already filled out the additional info box and everything.

@waitlistking2020 Yeah they abbreviate in the example. Just wanted to make sure. Thanks!

I’m an international student (from India) and I desperately want to go to UCLA. Do you think my chances of getting accepted off of the waitlist are lower than usual because they think I might not attend? Also, should I email the regional AO with an additional LOCI or something?

I got two B’s in my 6 AP class schedule, which are my third and fourth B ever. Should I include these first semester grades into the optional box as well? Or should I leave it out? I am really unsure. Thanks in advance!

With the pandemic going on and the increased chance of schools turning to their waitlists to fill international/OOS enrollment, as well as the OOS enrollment offers before May 1 last year, do people think that UCLA will offer acceptances before May 1?

@legendary824 If you choose to submit grades you can’t pick and choose which classes you submit. It’s all or nothing.

Hey @iamapolarbear UCLA is my dream school too and I have been waitlisted, but the best advice I got from people who have been waitlisted is do not bother the admissions office when you have already filled out the “box” on the application portal asking you for optional additional information. The only reason you should email your admissions counselor is if you have a legitimate question, but not to further your chances of getting in. I emailed my counselor because I had a few questions about the process, but any chances to express your interest should be kept in the “box.” That is what I have gathered from people, but you should do what you think is right in the end. Anyways, hope everything works out!

I looked a little on social media, and it looks one person might have been accepted off of the WL, because she said that she was going to reverse an SIR that she made to another school because she was accepted to UCLA. FYI: she’s from NY.

However, this seems to contradict what the administration puts out: that the they’ll have to wait until after May 1st to see what spots they have open. But I thought they admitted in waves off the WL; some before and some after the 1st.

Anyway, sorry for the confusion; wish everyone the best!

How’re y’all writing your updated grades? Are you listing them or are you incorporating them into a paragraph/essay?

@ryebread01 You should list them like they do in the example. That’s what I did at least.