UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

@samkr14 where does it say housing apps are due may 15th?

@collegeapplicant2020 You can find it on the waitlist FAQ.

@collegeapplicant2020 Your SLR is due May 15th for all UC schools
however, if you are admitted late, your SIR and SLR and housing apps will be due later as you will be given more time to submit.

FYI for people who have heard about getting off through marching band, apparently it’s no longer an option.

@tessersat Doesn’t affect us personally, but that’s interesting. Do you mean they didn’t do it at all this year or they did it and it’s now complete?

Session C was moved online a couple days ago. UCLA’s band camp occurs at the same time, so I imagine it’s partially correlated with that. I sent an email about the marching band to the director in April and never heard back, so maybe it was foreseen long ago that their would be no season this year.

@WhimsicalSquid there used to be people who used to use UCLA Marching Band as a basis of appeal or LOCI but UCLA is not allowing that anymore. I think it’s been awhile since they’ve stopped using that as a basis of acceptance because there was someone who had that as an excuse to get accepted into UCLA and after a quarter or something, they dropped out of marching band at UCLA.

I bet removal of the Marching Band appeals has something to do with the admissions scandal from last year. They don’t want there to be a back door for something performance-based that is easy to manipulate.

I am an INTL student who applied for L&S. Considering lots of people who waitlisted from L&S have already got off, should I give up hopes?

I’m in the same position as @ItIsOK , but I applied engineering and haven’t seen many engineering majors get off the waitlist. So idk if I should give up or not.

@ItIsOK Well, looking at the current situation it is apparent that international applicants are being admitted off the waitlist at a considerably lower rate than previous years. With that being said, there is still hope, albeit very slight, so we must wait and see.

Don’t give up international students!
I was just admitted to UCLA. I received the email today around 11:19 ET.
Chinese international student
SAT 1500
SAT subject tests: maths 800, physics 800
AP calculus bc 5, physics c mechanics 5, electricity and magnetism 4
don’t have a weighted GPA for 9-11.

And my major is Physics

@czhang2020 Congrats!!!

Just got in!!
International Student from Southeast Asia
IB Predicted 43
SAT 1460
no subject tests

Don’t give up hope guys!!

Any in-state admits recently? Also, A girl from my school had gotten off the waitlist a week or so ago. Does that mean UCLA is done accepting students from my school?

So was today only international students?

@glasscastle13 I am still waiting
I don’t think there has been any IS students that have been picked off the waitlist this week

fingers crossed for maybe something tomorrow :confused:

Son got off of waitlist into Economics. Declined the offer since he did not get any gift aid. COA is 65k/year.