UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

so no wave today wow :frowning:

@infoexchange - not on this board - in fact the only engineering I have seen get off the waitlist is a small handful for chemical, civil and electrical - no mechanical, aerospace, CS etc

Iā€™m really crossing my fingers for a Saturday wave, I really canā€™t mentally handle waiting much longer lol

@25Raider Thank you. My observations are similar. Iā€™d also add that @least one from MSE got in for engineering.

has anyone heard anything for bioengineering?

@25Raider so an electrical engineering major got in??? wow then thereā€™s no hope for me.

@Pendoo - someone else here saw a post on UCLA Facebook Class of 2024 Page about getting in recently for electrical - I have no idea if thatā€™s accurate

So I asked an admissions officer about the final date for the waitlist and this was the response:
ā€œWe currently do not have a set end date for the waitlist process as we are assessing the different factors; however, we will keep our waitlisted students informed as we determine more.ā€

I really hope they can send me a final decision earlier. I am having some trouble sleeping at night because of this anxious waiting process.

@ItIsOK I totally agree, Iā€™m tired of waiting at this point.

I am willing to eat spicy chilis while whistling Mighty Bruins. I am willing to chant Gene Blockā€™s name while I run across a hallway of LEGOS. Joe Bruinā€¦ what more do you want from me?

Did you add that to your waitlist letter, @seylin4 ?

@Pendoo iā€™m afraid not :ā€™( thatā€™s probably why I havenā€™t heard a peep

Iā€™m really just tired of waiting as well. I donā€™t know how Iā€™m going to mentally do this if I have to wait till June lol

My humble request to UCLA is at least send the regret letters if you surely know you will not admit these students at least it will lessen the anxiety and the hope associated with it given these unprecedented times. Then try to expedite the process so we have a definite road map as to where we are headed. I agree this is becoming a lose lose situation . While I know there are a lot more variables into play this year itā€™s still not that bad if you decisions are made realisticallyā€¦

why cant they just sent regret letters already so some kids know to not keep getting their hopes up high its not fair sitting here and waiting and literally getting no response

Its because they canā€™t be certain that all the people who committed are actually going to attend.
For ex: A specific major has enough space for 150 students and they currently have 150. So they send regret letters to those on the waitlist but then 5 students withdrawn and commit elsewhere, now the uni canā€™t find students to fill these spots because they already sent out regret letters.
I know itā€™s not easy for us, those on the waitlist, to check every single day but I canā€™t see any other viable option.

Hey all, I didnā€™t apply to UCLA but I lurk on the threads from time to time. Just thought Iā€™d say I saw someone on Reddit post 13 minutes ago that they got in at 9am.

so iā€™m guessing they are just now sending individual letters

YOOOOOO I just got in in-state

Holy crap