UCLA Class of 2024 Waitlist Discussion

I am guessing they offered too many spots due to Covid and over enrolled now. MUCH less use of waitlist this year… at least in comparison to last years CC thread. And seems like international students not affected at all by this Covid thing- still trying to enroll. But maybe those of you who are international students can give us an update. Will you do online or are visas an issue?
Good luck.

@PattiEnce You could also argue that, because of Covid-19, fewer students who were accepted have enrolled (likely oos and intl students). This would, in turn, mean the waitlist is possibly being used more than before. But we don’t have accurate numbers from last year’s waitlist so one can only assume.

I’m using the very inexact method of comparing last years (2023 waitlist) CC thread and this years (2024 waitlist) CC thread. Read through the UCLA waitlist 2023 thread and you will see what I’m talking about.

Per 2023 thread more were accepted off list last year and also more engineering students accepted off list last year. Now if people are just not posting on CC this year that could be reason there “appears” to be less getting off waitlist this year.

We’ll likely never know…:slightly_frowning_face:

today it’s quite here ,nobody got off waitlist today.?

@Sonia2020 I don’t think there was a waitlist wave today. All I know that UCLA’s waitlist wave last week isn’t as big as it was compared to the weeks before where it was the “huge waitlist wave”

when you say before like last year or this year’s wave in earlier week.
any idea if computer science waitlist was released yet.?

Last year there was a wave on the 25th btw

If they have filled spots for international students, I hope they can just send me an update. I am tired of waiting.

@Sonia2020 I was not talking about last year. I was saying that last week’s wave isn’t as huge as compared to the earlier weeks like 4/30. 4/30 and 5/1 had a lot of people get accepted off the waitlist

@Sonia2020 there were a few people joining and posting in the facebook group today. I’m under the impression one person was admitted today, but it could just be poor phrasing on their part.

@gogauchos2024 I don’t think they would release a waitlist wave before the SIR date although they did do a waitlist wave on 4/30 and then 5/1 or 5/2 but at this time of the month, they wouldn’t release decisions simultaneously

@samkr14 so can we expect any more waitlist acceptances now in waves or is it just one by one?

has anyone been rejected from the waitlist?

@school5557 rejections are all sent out at the end. You will be notified if you get rejected from the waitlist. Hopefully this will not be the case for any of us

@Pendoo I am thinking there may be one at the end of this week after 5/20 as that’s the SIR date for the previous wave. Last year there were waves all the wave upto 5/25 so anything is possible

I’m tired of waiting ): I’m losing hope at this point

How do they notify you of your spot off the waitlist?? Email or does your portal just update?


its says on the website they will be notified by end of June for freshman applicants?
this is going to kill may be they are waiting to get the transfer opt in, not sure when is the dead line for them.

the transfer opt in deadline doesn’t pertain to us though because transfers are for Class of 2022…we are class of 2024