UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

Have you gotten portal information from Irvine? I got an email saying they received my application 6 days after submitting, but no instructions on how to access the portal (the email said we’d get information mid-December).

My son got an email from UCI with the portal link yesterday.

I applied to all 9 UCs; received 7 portals early, Irvine recently, and haven’t received Merced yet.

Why is my LA Portal still missing? It has been a month since I applied to the school.

That’s strange; you should reach out to them. I received it mid-December.

Have you checked your spam folder? My son received his in December.

Just look it up with the portal link earlier in this thread


for ucla, you use your uc application ID so you can’t check of the usc website and use that. they may have set it up already but not emailed you, that happened to me

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Good luck to everyone! The next 2 months are going to get crazy, checking portals every day, hour, minute.
Rest assured, you will end up where you belong. Your hard work will pay off! This is the 2nd time around for us in 2 yrs, now with DD #2.
Looking forward to reading all the exciting chatter coming soon! :blush:


Hi! My S applied to the UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music, and he passed the prescreen and has a live virtual audition on Feb. 6. His unweighted GPA is 3.7, and weighted is 3.9. He’s been politically active, as well. He goes to a performing arts high school, but takes AP classes in English, Government, and takes Physics, Chemistry, etc. He’s in our city’s youth orchestra, and they were supposed to perform at Carnegie Hall in NYC, but it was canceled due to COVID.

Can anyone weigh in on what his chances are of being accepted? I’m on pins and needles just like everyone else. Also, we applied from out of state.

Oh, I should mention, that GPA reflects his freshman year, so leaving out the freshman year, his unweighted GPA would be 3.9.

Hard to tell with no test scores being factored this year. Herb Albert is audition heavy. Hopefully he impressed there. Good luck wish I had more to offer.

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Hello prospective engineering students!

I am a current senior aerospace engineering major at UCLA and a tour guide with UCLA Engineering Ambassadors. I wanted to let you know that we are offering live virtual tours and Q&A sessions every weekday at 3:00, 4:30, and 6:00 PM PST in lieu of our usual campus tours. We understand how difficult the college search, application, and decision process can be during this pandemic and we would like to make ourselves available to answer any questions you may have and give you a taste of life on campus. You can sign up for a tour on the UCLA Samueli Admissions website.

Thank you!


Am I allowed to send 7th semester transcript as a supplemental?

@annahebert: No you cannot send anything extra unless requested. Has UCLA initiated a supplemental review?

Weighted capped UC gpa - 3.64 (I know, yikes)
SAT score - 1540
PSAT (junior year) - don’t remember but 96th percentile

AP Classes:
-Freshman Year
AP Human Geography: Score of 4
-Sophomore Year:
AP World History: Score of 5
AP Physics 1: Score of 3
AP Computer Science A: not being submitted
AP Environmental Science: not being submitted
- Junior Year:
AP United States History: 4 (prediction)
AP English Language: 5 (prediction)
AP Biology: 4 (prediction)
AP Calculus BC: 4 (prediction)
AP Physics C Mechanics: 3 (prediction)
AP Physics C Electricity and Magnetism: 2 (prediction)
AP Spanish Language and Culture: 5 (prediction)
-Senior Year:
AP Phycology
AP Seminar
AP English Literature
AP Spanish Literature
AP Chemistry
AP Statistics
AP Government
AP Economics
AP Physics 2

Extracurriculars: Younger then grade level (will be 16 at time of graduation) thus internships/volunteering was limited due to age restrictions. Same thing with work experience.

  • Arabic School Volunteering
  • Teaching math to elementary School students who don’t speak English
  • Possibly hospital volunteering this summer when I am of age.

Immigrant, first generation US college student, moving many times inside of the US including across states, low income family, couldn’t work bc of age/immigration papers, 16 at time of graduation

3 clubs sophomore year, none junior year (covid)

Significant improvement in GPA from sophomore year to 1st semester junior year to 2nd semester junior year

biochemistry or molecular/cell biology major, pre med route. Planning on applying to all the UC’s except for Merced and I am out of state. Thoughts on chances of admission/is it even worth applying?

@jbhafbharf: As mentioned on your other posts, the UC’s offer little to no financial aid to OOS applicants so expect to pay around $65K/year to attend if accepted.

Your UC GPA is below average for all the UC campuses including UC Merced.

UC’s are test blind so your excellent SAT score will not be considered.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79 capped weighted and not major specific:

UCB: 1%

UCLA: 2%

UCSD: 9%

UCSB: 6%

UCI: 7%

UCD: 9%

UCSC: 40%

UCR: 53%

UCM: 80%

2020 UC capped weighted GPA averages along with 25th-75th percentile range:

UCB: 4.22 (4.13-4.30)

UCLA4.25 (4.18-4.31)

UCSD: 4.16 (4.04-4.28)

UCSB: 4.15 (4.03-4.27)

UCI: 4.11 (3.96-4.26)

UCD: 4.11 (3.97-4.25)

UCSC: 3.94 (3.71-4.16)

UCR: 3.88 (3.65-4.11)

UCM: 3.68 (3.40-3.96)

You have great HS course rigor but at the expense of your GPA.
I would say based on the information posted, any of the UC’s will be unaffordable and UCR/UCM would be your target schools.

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How do I calculate my UC capped weighted? I was curious to see if I fell between the averages for the UCs I applied to. I wonder if I inputted my courses wrong on the UC application because it said my GPA was a 4.1 or so on my application, I think I briefly questioned. My cumulative weighted is a 4.42 (at time of application, but should be a 4.44 once it is corrected, and it ended up being a 4.46 at the end of the semester), and my cumulative unweighted is a 4.0. I looked at several UC capped GPA calculators, but I am unsure of what to input. My school does not have an IB program or offer AP courses, so I only have college courses to boost the rigor of my workload, and I do not know which ones are UC-approved. Also, according to my A-G list on the HS Articulation website, my school lists PLTW courses as sciences instead of electives, and our school calls them electives. The PLTW courses are also honors. Could you please give me insight on which A–G requirement they fulfill?

HS CP English I—A, A
HS CP Geometry—A, A
HS CP Biology—A, A
HS CP Spanish I—A, A
HS CP Art—A, A
HS PLTW IED (Intro to Engineering Design)—A, A (Honors)

HS CP English II—A, A
HS CP Algebra II—A, A
HS CP World History—A, A
HS CP Chemistry—A, A
HS CP Spanish II—A, A
HS PLTW POE (Principles of Engineering)—A, A (Honors)
College CSIS-101: Intro Comp Sci Data—A (3 units)
College NUTR-101: Nutrition and Foods—A (3 units)
College SPAN-101: Elementary Spanish 1—A (5 units)

College CSIS-111B: Fundamentals of Computer Programming—A (3 units)

HS CP English III—A, A
HS CP Pre Calc—A, A
HS CP US History—A, A
HS CP Spanish III—A, A
HS Leadership—A, A
College AJ-106: Juvenile Delinquency—A (3 units, dual enrollment)
College ENVS-101: Environmental Science—A (3 units; prof said it was UC-approved)
College AJ-108: Criminal Investigations—A (3 units, dual enrollment)
College SPAN-102: Elementary Spanish 2—A (4 units)

College PHIL-101: Introduction to Philosophy—A (3 units, thought I got a B at application, but it turns out it was an A)

HS CP Expository Reading & Writing—A, IP
HS CP Calc—A, IP
HS CP Government—A, IP
HS CP Spanish IV—A, IP
College COMM-100: Intro to Public Speaking—A (3 units)
College SPAN-201: Intermediate Spanish 1—A (4 units)

note: I took Algebra I as an 8th grade student.

Are any of the “honors” classes designated with a yellow star for the extra honors points? You should go by the a-g designations listed on the articulation website, not by your HS.