UCLA Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion

Where’d you find this info? Also do you know when college of letters and sciences will release?

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I completely forgot to decline my spot on the waitlist by the deadline. That’s not a problem, right?

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Nope you are good to go.


To my knowledge, you’re only on the waitlist once you select the yes option

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Lol, that was confusing. I wonder if they’ll read your post and update us!

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My brother got in early for cs and he said he saw a couple of other ppl get in the college of engineering as well. And no i don’t know when college of Letters and Science comes out :frowning:

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Is that this year?

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thank you!

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Good Morning fellow waiters!
IF people are pulled from the list - will it be announced at a set time like regular admissions? Or an individual trickle?

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They may trickle out in the case of some Engineering admits or they may do waves of admits. It really depends upon how many spots are available and no specific dates or times will be posted.


Sorry if someone asked this already, but I’ve heard people say that some are predicting this year to be similar to last year, while other’s are predicting it to be similar to years prior to last. I’ve even heard some predict that this year will have even less waitlist admits than any other year. However, what is YOUR personal guess on what the UCLA waitlist will be like? And for all schools in general?

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Does anyone know if OOS could possibly hear back today?

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Nothing on their FAQ waitlist page indicates any decisions will come out before May 1st. UCLA myApplication Status

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It has the past two years. I would take a look in their waitlist chats on CC.


May 1 is a Saturday this year…
So do you think May 3 or April 30?

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Their intent to enroll deadline isn’t until May 1st, so I’m not sure how they can safely let more than a couple kids in before then. Unless they have 90-95% of decisions in by early next week and a have a really good sense of how many accepted students are committed.

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Does anyone know when (or if) we will be notified if we were not selected from the waitlist?

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Yeah usually by June or July. That’s why they rec you commit to another school


Thank you. That’s such a bummer. My son’s housing application fee is due for LMU prior to that. Oh well, we are working on letting go of the idea of UCLA… Good luck to everyone who is on the waitlist still.


I was thinking that there would have been out of state movement today - I hope that it is not a bad sign that there will be little movement at all

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