UCLA Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion

Question for @10s4life or @Gumbymom:
It looks like the waitlist question is pretty open-ended, but they suggest adding your semester 1 grades and spring schedule, then add whatever other optional information you wish. My son isn’t going to want to write an essay type of thing, and he really doesn’t have any other new information to share. Is he OK just leaving the academic update, or should he add a few sentences of “I really want to go to UCLA?” Does it matter?


D waitlisted for TFT - Design

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My D was also waitlisted for TFT

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2019: 7,153 opt ins and 965 admitted

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just a “what if” question.
I know that the attending students have to confirm that their enrollment by May 1. I saw on the website that you would be “considered for admission if space permits for additional Fall 2021 applicants after May 1.”
But what if you confirm the enrollment to another uni by may 1, and get a space from UCLA later? Are you allowed to take back your enrollment from the other one?

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sure but you’ll lose your deposit

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No idea what to write for UCLA but I guess yeah I’ll try to reply asap then??? Does this replace a “love letter” or letter of continued interest?

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My son was a waitlist admit two years ago. You can see what I posted on last year’s waitlist thread here:

Also as an fyi, my son submitted his waitlist response at around 9pm on April 15.


Hi, Our OOS daughter was invited to and submitted the Alumni scholarship. She was waitlisted. Does the committee still read her scholarship essays and if admitted, can she still get the scholarship?

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I read that waitlist students are just as qualified, just unlucky because there was no room left. My D applied one day before deadline. How about your waitlisters? Wondering if there is a correlation.

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Why was my qualified child put on UCLA waitlist while others less qualified from his class got in

Did he apply late or close to due date?

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He sent his application a few days before the deadline.

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Every school determines what they are looking for in a student. No one here on CC can make a judgment of whom is more or less qualified unless they see the complete application. It is not just about stats, intended major, EC’s, essays, extenuating circumstances etc… all contribute to the overall application.

If your student applied wisely, I am sure they will have other great options from which to choose.


s21 submitted his application the third day it was open and was WL.

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@Kgc1234 As long as you applied before the deadline, the time that you submitted your application does not matter for admissions. The only rare exception is if there is something on your application that needs clarification. There is a cutoff date as to when the UCs ask for supplemental information. If you submit your application later, it gets read later, and if it is past that date they can’t ask for supplemental information.


Does anyone know how many were waitlisted this cycle? How soon does that usually come out? My son has been WL at UCI and UCLA now. I appreciate that UCLA gives a space to share new information, but wonder if this is all just more time wasted.

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They usually come out after May 1st

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My daughter was waitlisted to a couple schools, including UCLA… She actually got accepted to her #1 choice, but accepted a position on the wait-list in order to keep her options open as we explore the details of her #1 choice (covid had made the visit harder). What I understand is that is critical you secure a slot at your child’s best current option, because if you wait, you could potentially lose out on that one! I’ve researched, and historically, UCLA admits less than 20% of their waitlisted candidates.


Do you mind providing the link for that statistic if you can? I’ve been looking for it everywhere.

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