UCLA Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion

I’m sorry to hear that. It’s always our hope the information reaches parents and applicants sooner. It’s up to you but I would be realistic with your son so he doesn’t have unrealistic expectations with the waitlist and start to explore and love his current options. Because even if he does get off the waitlist he will have to commit to another school due to timing. What are his other choices?

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How many psychology students may typically get off the waitlist?

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UC’s do not give stats on which majors are waitlisted but you assume the popular majors will have more waitlisted applicants. For UCLA, you are not admitted by major in the College of Letters and Sciences anyways.


He and his best friend in middle school (in different state now) are (were) trying to be reunited on Bruins sport team and it’s quite cute to hear their “still possible to be teammates” conversations. I just let them dream about it for a little while:) My son knows what waitlisted means. He has other options. Thanks, 10s4life. I learned a lot from this experience.


My 2020 HS grad was waitlisted and received the Alumni Scholarship. Learned of this when we saw his financial aid - no email notification. We looked at FinAid portal mid summer and saw some scholarship money and asked what it was - that’s how he learned. I think maybe in mid/late August, he got an email/phone call to welcome him to the program - but it was late. Nice surprise.


Has anyone had luck getting off the waitlist yet?


Too early. Most likely after May 1.

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Ok, thank you.

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Last year a wave of acceptances happened at the end of April and one in Early May. Last year was an exception but usually the campuses have a better idea after the May 1 SIR date if there are any spots open.


Is this what the acceptance to the waitlist looks like for everyone?

Sorry Gumbymom - was meant for all :slight_smile:


Has anyone ever known someone to move from waitlist for the TFT School? I am thinking not :frowning:

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My daughter was waitlisted…this is her absolute dream school!! we are on the east coast… any idea of the percentage from the east coast that get off the waitlist… are we holding out hope for no reason… She has incredible stats, she did receive a request for an additional supplemental, just wondering what her actually chances are…


UCLA does not breakout whom gets off the waitlist based on OOS vs In-state vs International. Since she is an OOS Full pay applicant, her chances are probably higher since historically OOS yield is lower.

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Yes, my son has the same waitlist opt-in language.


My daughter is in the same boat. From the Midwest. She has a lot of great options but there is something about UCLA… Good Luck to your D.

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Exactly the same thing with my daughter… Amazing options but just wants UCLA? But who wouldn’t!! Good luck to your daughter as well!! :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:


UCLA has been my dream school since 4th grade. I unfortunately got waitlisted as an OOS from east coast in the college of L&S. However, I did get into Berkeley but I am very confused because I don’t know if accepting Berkeley will effect my chances of getting off UCLA waitlist.


No, it won’t. See post #68 by Gumbymom.

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UC’s do not share waitlist information, so opt in.

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Just submitted my WL info. Hope I get in🤞 good luck to everyone