UCLA Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

@kk2022 let me know if I can help answer any questions as you try to decide. I have a first year at UCLA (he loves it – still undeclared but probably will major in economics or public affairs or something), but I also happen to live in Berkeley so I know a lot about both the town as well as the university. You’ll have a great experience either way! If you are stressed about housing, UCLA is obviously the winner.


does anyone else check this sub an unhealthy amount…especially at 7 and 9:30 a.m for the morning waves


i can definitely relate to this, my morning is literally wake up, check Gmail for an update, if there’s none, I eat breakfast, log onto cc and reddit to check for any waves, every day since May 1st. It’s an unhealthy obsession.


Yes. Every day, all day :sob:. And ZeeMee. I wish they would give us dates of when it would be released, even letting us know, Decisions will be out every Friday at 10am, that would make it so much better.


UCLA should provide some predictable pattern for when the decisions come out at least, but each day is another day of suspense


Thank you!! I sent you a message!

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someone said that since some intls got rejection updates then the intl wave is over, but i havent received any updates or emails. anyone know if this is true??

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I am international too and I haven’t received any update or email either. If the wave is over, they should have given us feedback. (I don’t know it’s true or not, only giving my opinion)


My niece got off the waitlist 5/2 last year (in-state).


The policy of not granting FA to OOS was driven by the state legislature. The universities–especially UCLA and Berkeley–fought it. By comparison, University of Virginia and University of Michgan–the granddaddies of public institutions–offer substantial financial aid to OOS students. There were students at my DD’s school who were granted near full rides by both universities.

Any WL movement this year for in-state bio majors?

I prob have no chance since pre-meds barely turn down LA lol

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Major doesnt affect anything unless its an impacted major like CS or Engineering or Art

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yes, unless college of engineering or the arts bc decisions are made based on major (cs is in college of engineering)

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true true… where are you committed to now for premed?

Anybody heard anything about appeals?

is econ an impact major?

Econ would be under the school of L&S and is not subjected to review since waitlist admits in L&S are not based on major. So in other words, no it is not an impacted major.


i’ve heard on a2c that one person’s appeal got denied


going to cal, GO BEARS


Congrats. In state or OOS?