UCLA Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Everything theyve been doing since April has been vague its so draining.


would u say that the email stating “wishing you well in whatever college u choose” is an indication from the AO that u got rejected or am i reading too deep into it LMAO

Most likely meaning the waitlist is closing soon (I highly doubt he even checked my application lol). Although the UC webpage does say that UCs can go all the way to August. :+1:


Yep. Can confirm this. I called a week ago and the AO told me that results may be out by the end of July or could even stretch till August. Btw, when exactly does school start? I heard that it starts in September.

Fall Instruction begins Thursday September 22, 2022. Official quarter starts Monday September 19th.


Ohh. That explains why they are willing to stretch the waitlist even possibly until August. Good to know though. Thanks!

Hi Kai_Xi, since you are international student, I am just curious. Which school are you committed to for now ? I know some school starts as early as mid August. Can you really wait for UCLA until August ?

I have committed to a local university which also starts in mid-September. So yeah, August should not be a problem to wait until.

I hope you get off the waitlist and you can come to US for a fun college experience. If UCLA waitlisted you, you should be well qualified for many US universities already. So your local university must be top school also.

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Thank you for the kind words! I truly hope everyone still waiting and I get off the waitlist. It’s been a long time coming!


Lets hope for some good news tomorrow!


i wonder what is the latest that UCLA has accepted people off the waitlist. going into august seems a bit much

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Oh well. Heres to something in August I guess ToT

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Good luck!!

Thank you! I feel like everybodys basically given up at this point LOL

ya hahah lol

For those still on the waitlist, would you guys even attend if you happened to get off? It seems that we are so far into the process that most people just gave up and are completely focused on the school theyre guaranteed to attend in the fall. I know I am for sure. It would probably be really hard to make adjustment so late in the game.


I would because I’m going so far from home. Plus it would be somewhat a cheaper option since I won’t have to pay for dorm. But hope is enh.

Come on, if international student can travel half the globe to claim the winning spot, we should be grateful to take it if available. it is U.C.L.A. that we are talking about.


OK, I don’t think it is over yet. I sent an email to admissions asking about the waitlist, and here is the response:

Thank you for your email and patience.

We had hoped to notify all waitlisted Freshmen by the end of May but are still finalizing decisions. Therefore, we will continue releasing decisions on a rolling basis through the summer. While everyone will receive a final decision posted directly to the My Application Status portal, we cannot provide specifics (e.g. individual decision release date, waitlist end date, how many seats are left overall or for a major). Since we cannot guarantee admission later, we strongly recommend that you proceed with your current commitment and plans in the meantime. Also, if you have not already done so, we encourage you to review the FAQs in the My Application Status portal.