UCLA Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

has anyone heard anything new regarding the waitlist since the second wave of applicants being removed from the waitlist?

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Still on the waiting list

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I think this week is probably the last week?

You would think so.

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First quarter tuition isnā€™t due until the day before classes start- sept 21ish. At that point, any students who have decided not to attend ucla will not pay their tuition, thus opening up a spot from the waitlist. That is why ucla is hanging onto a few students on the waitlist and will do so until the day classes begin.


that could be true but i think they may admit some people beforehand/are planning to. ucs (this year and past) have closed their waitlist way before enrollment has started. what youā€™re saying is that ucla is using students as ā€œinsuranceā€, which could be a part of it, but ucla doesnā€™t really need insurance (and normally close their waitlists before sep). by this time of the year, theyā€™ll probably only get a couple of students out of thousands that decide not to go. when students donā€™t pay, they just get withheld from classes and put on probation but are still students.

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i called a week ago and they said the waitlist wasnā€™t over yet and that it can continue to go on (did not give me a deadline). i hope iā€™m not giving anyone too much hope with this theory as i donā€™t think there will be a miraculous moment where we all get in so keep that in mind, but there was recently an article in the LA times about Fall 2022 UC admissions based on preliminary data from the UCs. ucla admitted 2,000-3,000 less than the past 2 years this admission season (table 1.1). the article said, ā€œUCLA drew 91,544 first-year applications from California residents for fall 2022, as the campus and UC system shattered their own previous records. The Westwood campus admitted 8,423 of those applicants, an increase of only 54 over last year, but plans to enroll an additional 400 first-year students and about 400 more transfer students.ā€ i could be wrong as the wording is quite vague, but maybe theyā€™re enrolling 400 first-year, in-state students via waitlist and is in the process of narrowing those applicants down. but honestly, i donā€™t know maybe they are keeping around students until theyā€™re sure of enrollment.

LINK TO ARTICLE: UC admits record number of Californians and far fewer out-of-state students
LINK TO TABLE: Preliminary data on admissions | UCOP

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I see! Thanks for the info!!


Thanks for sending this, really good to know. Although Iā€™m happy with my school now, ucla is still one of my top choices.

I just read the article, I think it used the number 8423 for the number of in-state applicants that were admitted, following the part where it states 400 more freshmen and 400 more transfers. So maybe the additional 800 students would also be in-state? Just from what Iā€™m readingā€¦

yeah thatā€™s why i quoted that portion but said it was vague. using grammar rules and inferencing, i would assume theyā€™re talking about in-state but itā€™s kinda open to interpretation.

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Yes, agree.

Someone got admitted off the waitlist yesterday 8/17 for Psych

According to this TikTok video

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Seems like there is still some hopeā€¦

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Congratulations to this applicant! It does seem like they are a transfer applicant, in case that wasnā€™t clear ā€” they included a hashtag for class of 2024, and the date for the waitlist confirmation in their letter was in May, whereas for freshmen applicants, it was in April, I believe.


Wow (although Iā€™m first yr)

Congrats to her!!