<p>Hi all. I have applied for 4 UCs: Communications Major (UCLA, UCSB, UCSD) and Rhetoric (Cal). My first choice is UCLA. I have completed all the pre-reqs offered at my CC during my first year (I'm a sophomore), which leaves me missing 2 of them (not offered at my CC). I am also TAP certified (my alternative major for UCLA is Sociology, 2 out of 3 pre-reqs completed). My GPA is 3.94. I have good personal statement and many ECs: PTK, Student Ambassador, clubs, etc. I wonder if there is anybody who haven't completed all 7 pre-req's because they were not offered at their CC and still got into UCLA? And also, can you guys chance me? I am freaking out!</p>
<p>Also, is there anybody here who did not complete all pre-req’s for UCLA Sociology but was offered admission? Thanks!!!</p>
<p>It’s impossible not to get into UCLA with your GPA and all possible prereq courses offered at your CC completed, ESPECIALLY when your TAP certified. </p>
<p>From what I remember, I think the average GPA of a transferring communications major is like 3.8ish. </p>
<p>What I don’t understand is the fact that communication majors can only transfer into UCLA, so it may be a little more competitive than most, if not all other transfer majors for UCLA. </p>
<p>Not too sure about the other schools, only applied to UCLA. What CC are you expecting to transfer from?</p>
<p>I am transferring from Los Angeles City College. After reading this forum for a while I became totally devastated… and frustrated… I mean, WHAT ELSE can I do to be offered an admission?! People here had same GPA’s and were rejected… Are you a Communications major as well?</p>
<p>How did you apply through TAP when Communications is the only major that TAP does not work with?</p>
<p>SnYpaJY- Anything is possible with UCLA…the average GPA for transfers into Comm @ UCLA in 2008 was a 3.89 and I heard that some applicants had a 4.0 and still didn’t get in.</p>
<p>I am TAP certified. I don’t get priority for Communications (from what I’ve heard), but still can be considered for the alternative major.</p>
<p>I still don’t understand why Communication Studies is excluded from TAP? TAP webpage says this:</p>
<p>Source: [UCLA</a> - Transfer Alliance Program](<a href=“http://www.ugeducation.ucla.edu/tap/faq.htm#mem]UCLA”>http://www.ugeducation.ucla.edu/tap/faq.htm#mem) </p>
<p>Is it written somewhere that Communications is excluded?</p>
<p>Well I heard that people have gotten in without all of the 7 pre-reqs completed. Which are you missing? Stats?? What grades did you get on your pre-reqs? I think you’re a sure in as Soc but Comm is a toss up.</p>
<p>I have completed all but first 2 requirements listed on assist.org (CS 10 is one missing, and one of the following as a second one: Anthro 33 or CS M40W or CS M70 or Ling 1 or Soc 24). I have A’s in all others, plus 2 of them (Speech 101 - Oral Communication and Pol Sci) were Honors classes as well. For “Three additional courses” I actually completed all 4 possible options listed on assist.org! </p>
<p>As far as Sociology is concerned, I am missing one of the pre-req’s. I wanted to major in Communication Studies so badly I didn’t even consider the second-choice major. Now as I see how slim my chances are, I realized that I really want to go to UCLA anyways, but Sociology department only considers you if all pre-req’s are met, but my GPA is higher than the average for Sociology, that’s why I wonder if there’s anybody here who got in with missing pre-req’s???</p>
<p>BTW, are you guys majoring in Communications as well?</p>
<p>What??? all pre-reqs for sociology need to be completed to be considered? no one told me about that!</p>
<p>I am also a comm major, with tap and i’ve got sociology as my alternate as well. I have a 3.9…what really sucks is how slim our chances are, despite our gpas. its unfair, that a lot of people i know will probably get in, despite the fact that they hardly devote any time to their studies simply because they have a very easy major to get into.</p>
<p>Same here, it’s so unfair! glamfairydust, how many pre-req’s do you have for Communications? Here’s where it says about pre-req’s for Sociology: [UCLA</a> Undergrad Admissions: Transfer Major Prep - Sociology](<a href=“http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/adm_tr/lsmajors/sociol.htm]UCLA”>Transfer Preparation Requirements — Sociology* | UCLA Undergraduate Admission)</p>
<p>you guys are trippin </p>
<p>I’m 100% sure that people who have a 3.9 and above, along with TAP certification, AND all possible prereqs available complete will get into UCLA.</p>
<p>I am a Psychobiology major and am TAP certified along with IGETC certified. </p>
<p>Your right, it’s not fair that people who have lower academic grades/easier major get in, but trust me, you guys will get in as well. </p>
<p>I’m willing to put money on this…</p>
<p>LOL SnYpaJY Hope it will be as you said. I really wonder if there’s anybody our here who didn’t complete all pre-req’s and got in Communications? Or maybe someone you know? I know people didn’t get in with 4.0, so it makes me wonder!</p>
<p>Communications doesnt qualify under TAP because it is the most impacted major at UCLA. Everyone wants to be a communications major. Hence TAP is out of the picture because there is no way of giving priority to students who all have extremely high score.</p>
<p>…this was from the UCLA TAP conference in the fall. Someone asked the same question and they gave a reason for it.</p>
<p>Thanks chibi_loopi! Not quite inspiring, but oh well, what can we do about it? Did they say anything else about communications? And are you in Communications major as well?</p>
<p>I have also applied as a UCLA communications major,
GPA: 3.93
Pre-requisites: 4/7, will have 5/7 done by this semester, the remaining two are not offered at my CC.
E/C: Many when I was living in my home country, few after I came to US 2 years ago…
Work: 20 hours part-time job per week</p>
<p>I am not optimistic about my application, but I decided to give it a try because it has always been my dream to become a journalist.</p>
<p>Best Wishes for all comm applicants!</p>
<p>oh i hope so, SnYpaJY! you’re the only person to have said that so far…the thing is, a lot of people who applied to comm with 4.0s got rejected, so its hard to tell. i made the mistake of getting an alternate major through tap that was also impacted. i should have gone for an easier one like english =/</p>
<p>Nah, I’m a Political Science major. I wanted to be a communications major as well but I felt a PS degree would have a little bit more weight than a C degree since I’m kind of thinking going to law school. But it’s cool, I love Political Science, lol. </p>
<p>Dont worry, stay optimistic.</p>
<p>glamfairydust, I am so screwed with alternative UCLA major as well! I should’ve applied for linguistics or something. But oh well, it’s done, so let’s ne optimistic, and yes - GOOD LUCK to all!!! </p>
<p>melodycwm, are you an international student?</p>
<p>thanks chibi_loopi ;-)</p>
<p>glamfairydust, do you have all 7 pre-req’s done?</p>