UCLA Extension XL 10 Statistics

<p>I'm wondering if I can take XL10 Statistics at UCLA Extension, and then once I return to my CC for more math, can i go straight into Precalc/ the next step in math whatever it is. I just need to get on track to finishing the calculus series.</p>

<p>I’m fairly certain that statistics does not relates to the track of mathematics involving pre-calc, calculus, etc. Does your community college having a placement test that tells you what class you can take? Usually you need to take geometry and algebra II-level math to get into pre-calc. You should check how the math sequence goes at your CC before taking a class you might not need. </p>

<p>What’s your major by the way? Do you even need to take statistics?</p>

<p>I doubt it, but I don’t know for sure… Anyone else?</p>

<p>I am trying to get into bioengineering at ucla, without spending 15 years just getting to the calculus series and ODE/Linear Algebra, since i didnt focus on math in HS. I guess I will have to smash the placement test and get myself into calc I or Pre-calc. Thanks for your input guys!</p>

<p>Edit: And no stats isnt even necessary I was just hoping to jump through hoops in order to get ahead and skip the placement.</p>