<p>I'm an out of state applicant from NY who was accepted to UCLA. I received no grants but I did receive a UCLA gift scholarship aid of about 10,000 dollar. This gift aid, however, is only given to first-year students; should I expect to get about 10,000 in aid my second year?</p>
<p>Anyone know if I will receive some sort of merit gift aid my second, third, and fourth year at UCLA?</p>
<p>I’m OOS, received gift aid this year (Freshman). I’ll let you know when Financial Aid comes out for next year.</p>
<p>Haha, you accepted the offer without knowing if you were going to receive more aid the following years? Your family must be pretty wealthy then.</p>
<p>Or more likely, they could view it as an investment and that the long term benefits outweigh the costs since pretty wealthy people wouldn’t get significant finaid.</p>
<p>Very true, but still the money needs to be paid and for most families that are not too well off, 10,000 dollars is not easy to come by.</p>
<p>I don’t know if my situation is similar to yours, but I got a gift aid “Scholarship Recognition Award,” and on College Admit day, I ask one of the financial aid counselors about that and she said that after the first year, you would get “University Funds” (not really sure what it is). She told me it was the exact same thing, just under a different name. So I’m naturally ASSUMING, University Funds would cover the subsequent years, but I still recommend calling to confirm that you would get covered. (It might be different for an OOS --I’m not.)</p>
<p>The award from UCLA was not quite the $10,000 level.</p>
<p>Most of my aid was from not UCLA. Plus I had investments that we pulled out of the stock market at the right time, so parents had enough put away, they were expecting me to go to a private mid-tier college, but to me UCLA is as good as any private education in the country.</p>