<p>Hello CC!</p>
<p>I was recently accepted to UCLA as a freshman for the class of 2014, and received the Regents Scholarship which I'm really excited about! Anybody else get it?</p>
<p>Also - does anyone know when the alumni scholarship notification will be released? I think I've read somewhere on the forum that there is an interview for one of of UCLA scholarships.</p>
<p>I didn't interview for the Regents scholarship, so it isn't that one. Will there be an interview for the alumni scholarship?</p>
<p>Thanks! Congrats to all the new bruins!</p>
<p>I’m scheduled to read alumni scholarship applications this weekend and students in our district will be notified and scheduled for interview next week. The interviews are taking place next weekend. I’m guessing everyone else will have similar schedules across the state.</p>
<p>Are interviews the weekend of March 27th?</p>
<p>AskMsSun, just curious - Is financial needs/family income considered for alumni scholarship? Or it’s just merit based?</p>
<p>@AskMsSun: Thank you - that is very helpful. Can’t wait for my interview!</p>
<p>@raffles88, for the district where I’m reading the application (in Southern California), the interview date is the 27th. </p>
<p>@Watermark, the scholarships are merit-based, but there are additional need-based grants available to those who need them.</p>
<p>@AskMsSun: Another question - do all alumni scholarship applicants get an interview? Or only the top applications?</p>
<p>to @ocgirl92,</p>
<p>Congrats on your UCLA Regents scholarship! I wonder if I could know the range of your GPA, SAT I and SAT II test scores? I wonder if your other activties (sport, talent, community sevrices, school leaders, etc.) were also supported your winning of this scholarship?</p>
<p>Thanks very much!!</p>
<p>to @ocgirl92,</p>
<p>Congrats on your UCLA Regents scholarship! I wonder if I could know the range of your GPA, SAT I and SAT II test scores? I wonder if your other activties (sport, talent, community sevrices, school leaders, etc.) were also supported your winning of this scholarship?</p>
<p>Thanks very much!! </p>
<p>As the first time user, I am sorry if I may post my message twice. Dana</p>
I’m a regents scholar as well and can give you my stats if you want.</p>
<p>Yes, may I know your stats (GPA, SAT I, SAT II) and other activties (leadership, extra curriculums, etc.) supported your winning of Regents Scholar.</p>
<p>Also more questions: (1) do you apply Regents at the same time when you apply for the UC addmission? (2) do you know if the UC system takes students’ financial need into consideration for granting this merit-scholarship?</p>
<p>Thank so much for your help.</p>
<p>Ok, I’ll try and answer everything but I’m on my phone so it will probably be filled with typos.
GPA: 4.6 weighted, 4.0 unweighted. I don’t know my UC GPA.
SAT 1: 2300 composite (770 writing, 750 math, 780 reading)
SAT II: 800 US History, 740 Bio E, 720 Spanish
AP Scores: English Lang, Bio, Spanish Lang, US History- 5
Leadership: President of Key Club for 2 years, Co-captain of academic olympics
ECs: National Honor Society, academic olympics, key club, speech and debate, mock trial.
Over the summer I took a class on law at Stanford between sophomore and junior years and between junior and senior years I was awarded a scholarship through this thing called the Congressional Academy to study political science for college credit and tour DC.
To answer your questions:
- No. Around February (I think) they send out invitations to apply for the scholarships to the applicants they deem are in the top 1% of the pool. Then, you must submit an essay and a letter of recommendation online as your application. I was informed that I won right around the time admissions came out.
- I think like the admissions process itself the selection of Regents Scholars is holistic and somewhat mysterious. I’m pretty sure battle with financial difficulties could be a benefit in your application but by no means do they select only those with enormous need. Personally, I had an EFC of 817 so the scholarship covers everything but $817 of the expected cost (which I’m covering through an outside scholarship). But if you have no need you are guaranteed $2500. Plus you get the perks of guaranteed housing and parking all four years and priority enrollment. </p>
<p>Let me know if you want to know anything else, I’m happy to help :)</p>
<p>You have amazing records of all aspects!! </p>
<p>Thank you so much for the very very helpful information. We may have some questions when the application starts this fall and will try to contact you.</p>
<p>Glad I can help
Don’t hesitate to send me a private message if something comes up throughout the year.</p>
<p>Is there a list somewhere of current UCLA regent scholars?</p>
<p>mmmmm. im sure there is a ucla regents scholars website. with like the list of all the people. we’re not a lot of people. haha</p>
<p>Regents scholars have a society at ucla @ [Regents</a> Scholar Society at UCLA](<a href=“UCLA Regents Scholar Society”>http://rssla.org/)</p>
<p>We have a couple meetings per quarter to do group events and such, and there are a couple programs like LAMP (LA Mentoring Program?) that we also do. I haven’t done LAMP yet, but I hope to next year! Join the society and meet your fellow Regents Scholars at UCLA!</p>
<p>Will we receive some kind of notice about how/when to join?</p>
<p>I talked to you in June this year and we’d like to know if we could ask you some more information about UCLA application through email? Our email address is <a href="mailto:aleena@aleenabyrne.com">aleena@aleenabyrne.com</a> Thanks a lot!</p>