UCLA Supplemental Material Request

Hello all,

I just received an email indicating that UCLA is requesting a supplemental survey questionnaire.

Does anyone know what this means? I did not even consider UCLA a possibility and I still shouldn’t (3.79 W/CGPA, 1450 SAT), but I do not understand why I received this email. I did have an interesting story and faced many hardships could that be it? Does this mean that I possibly have a tiny bit of a chance?

The email reads as follows:

"Thank you for applying to UCLA. As part of our review process, we would like to give you the opportunity to provide additional information about yourself. This is an optional supplemental component to our review process that may assist our readers in evaluating your application.

Please log into the Application Status website at https://www.admission.ucla.edu/myapplication and click on the “Submit Supplemental Questionnaire” link on the left. If you choose to submit supplemental information, please do so by 11:59 pm, February 5, 2018.

Please note that this questionnaire is being requested on an individual basis. Not all applicants will be asked to provide additional information.

Thank you in advance for considering this request."

Here are the five specific conditions under which an applicant might be selected
for an augmented/supplemental review (quoted from the augmented review policy linked above):

 Evidence of focus on an area of special talent which may have limited a student’s
time to participate in a broader range of activities.
 Evidence of character traits that imply a strong likelihood of making a significant
contribution to campus life.
 Evidence of significant academic achievement or the potential for academic
achievement at the University in spite of extraordinary or compound
disadvantage or learning difference, or physical disability or other unusual
 Evidence of significant improvement in the academic record accompanied by one
or both of the following: reasons for the initial poor performance; and/or sustained
and in-depth participation in educational outreach programs, which demonstrate
the applicant’s commitment to succeed academically within a challenging
 Evidence of relative lack of access to, counseling about, or support to take
college preparatory, honors, Advanced Placement (AP) or International
Baccalaureate (IB) classes or required college entrance examinations.

I also received a request for supplemental information from UCLA! I got a request from UC Davis, UCSD, and UCLA.

Sat: 1320
GPA: w 3.97 uw 3.65
Courses: Full IB diploma candidate
Exams: IB Spanish (5), IB Calc (4)
Senior and Junior Courses
HL Courses: IB Biology, IB English Lan, IB History of the America’s
SL Courses: IB Spanish, IB Calc, IB Psychology
Senior Year (Statistics and Economics added to that)
EC: Speech and Debate Captain (qualified to Nats and State) Model UN President (outstanding delegate award) Choir for two years,Voluteering every summer at CEF Summer Program, Canvassing for City Council Candidate, Adopt-a-family volunteer
Awards: 3rd Place DI (Speech) in the State, 51st Place DI in the Nation, National and State qualifier, Making Change Essay Contest Winner, Rotary Speech Contest winner, Model UN SOCOMUN conference Outstanding delegate representing HCR
Essays: pretty good, on scale of 1-10 maybe a 7 or 8?
Demographics: female, Latina, good family income though

Strengths: EC, Awards, maybe courseload
Weakness: Scores, GPA

@air119: Of course you have a shot since they have asked for more information.