Ucla, uc berkeley question

Does UCLA or UC Berkeley take into consideration medical issues that negatively affect grades. I experienced debilitating chronic migraines during sophomore year and I was prescribed an extremely strong anti-convulsant medication that impaired my cognitive abilities, including nausea, dizziness, and concentration issues. Thankfully, I was taken off the medication right before 11th grade and the side effects vanished. I ended up getting a B in AP World History and a C in AP Chemistry. However, I received straight A’s during 9th grade, straight A’s in 11th grade and currently have straight A’s in 12th. Will the admissions people recognize that the medical issues created an academic anomaly since I couldn’t function at my full potential?

Did you detail thus information in your app? If so, it will be considered.

If you put this under the additional information section, then they’ll understand! :slight_smile: That’s what that section on the app is for.