<p>Thanks for posting that! :)</p>
<p>Thanks for that, it might calm people down. I just really don’t understand why the Housing/FA offices would go through so much trouble letting you fill out the app/letting you see your summary and such if you aren’t going to be admitted…beats me. >__<</p>
<p>kizzy thank you, btw can you see ur stuff? :(</p>
<p>Looks like the 2-3pm theory didn’t work.</p>
<p>yeah–seems like today aint the day</p>
<p>I refuse to give up until like 5 pm haha</p>
<p>this site is making the waiting 100 times worse</p>
<p>^ yep.</p>
<p>^ truth</p>
<p>im done for the day</p>
<p>@jane - You still not seeing anything? :(</p>
<p>Serious! I need to get off this site for the day!</p>
<p>edelynly- no girl
its okay though…URSA hack is whack.</p>
<p>@Kizz, thanks for the info. Based on what I interpreted out of your conversation,</p>
<p>if your FA processed then you are pretty much accepted unless you didn’t apply for FA.</p>
Only admitted students get their FA processed. If your is still not showing up then they probably still reviewing your application OR…</p>
<p>@jane - You’re not alone! I know it’s not supposed to mean “anything” but it would have been a bit reassuring…</p>
<p>Obviously dodging the question with the “you’ll know by the end of the month” bit. Yea, we will also know by the end of spring too, but that doesn’t answer the question, nor does it help us in any way.</p>
<p>I think I’m done with this too, I’m getting a major headache!</p>
<p>At least class will keep me somewhat distracted until I get home…</p>
<p>Talk to you all soon. (:</p>
<p>this website is literally driving me insane. i told all my friends admissions is coming out today thanks to the person who said a ucla admissions rep told his friend “check tonight” <em>wink wink</em> </p>
<p>ugh… my friend even rescheduled her midterm cuz of me! i’m just gonna stop reading CC threads and grow some balls. I will just keep checking my email - since they WILL send us an email confirmation about our decisions. </p>
<p>You guys should all join me and give stress a little rest.</p>
<p>Also the URSA thread is misleading. Many of us can see financial cost of attendance, current need, and our contribution, but not everyone can see the award amount. Does this mean the URSA is up for us? Or does it mean it’s half up? Plus, many can see the efal, but for some people it says “incomplete” where as for me it says “completed” but won’t give me any further information.</p>
<p>^mine is incompleted because there is some problem with my citizenship verification.</p>