UCLA vs Berkeley for Global Studies?

My son is really stuck deciding between UCLA and Berkeley. He plans to major in Global Studies & possibly minor in Linguistics or Drama. Will probably due grad school or law school after undergraduate. He is looking for a collaborative academic environment, interested in research opportunities, will study abroad and loves to try new ethnic food. We are OOS so cost the same and covered. He has not visited either campus so trying to arrange that but has been on discord for both schools. Any thoughts comparing the two appreciated!

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Great question. My D19 is awaiting transfer admit decisions on UCB and UCLA, global studies both places. Any info on these programs would be helpful.

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Honestly, they are both huge and competitive, i wouldn’t characterize either as collaborative academic environments.

I encourage you to visit both and talk to some existing students before committing o either.

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I agree with @NCalRent that both are great choices but visiting will probably seal the deal with one of the campuses. They are both very different and hopefully one will resonate with your son.

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