UCLA vs. Cornell (should I stay or should I go)

<p>I'm currently a freshman at UCLA in the Pre-Business Economics department. I received a guarantee transfer to Cornell ILR for my sophomore year (meaning I'm guaranteed admission should I choose to transfer). I'm debating whether or not to go to Cornell next year. Help me!!!</p>

<p>I'm heading in the business, government, law direction. However I'm not sure which school is better. What do you guys think? Please provide additional pros and cons.</p>

pro- great location (for networking, internships [it's the heart of LA!]), close to
con- too many students (sooo difficult to sign up for classes you want), huge classes,
doesn't actually have a business undergraduate program, wastes time on GEs</p>

pro- smaller classes (only 800 in ILR, thousands in L&S @LA), doesn't waste time on GE's
and gets straight to the good stuff
con- isolated (location isn't the best, plus it's really far from southern cali.), not all my
high school AP credits transfer</p>

<p>Keep in mind that the weather and hot guys don't factor into my decision. Although it does help, I'm not too concerned. :/ What do you guys think? Any ideas?</p>

<p>***Comments on the caliber of each university? Which do you think is better overall in your opinion?</p>

<p>Cornell if you can afford it. That’s a big IF, though. Just keep in mind you’ll still receive a top notch education at UCLA with affordable tuition (assuming you’re in-state).</p>

<p>Money isn’t an issue. UCLA is cheap and since Cornell is partially state funded I’ll probably get a lot of money from them as well. But thanks!</p>

<p>Visit Cornell during the summer</p>

<p>bye, we’ll miss you!</p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - The Clash - Should I Stay Or Should I Go?](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1Gn0e7kvTA]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1Gn0e7kvTA)</p>

<p>Just a side comment here – I don’t think you’re “wasting time on GEs”. Regardless of whether you go into business or law,it’s to your advantage to have familiarity with the world around you. Undergrad education should not just be a trade school. And in an economy that is strongly dependent on science and technology, its worth spending some time learning how science is applied in a couple of areas.</p>