UCLA vs Cornell

curious about your location. East Coast I’m assuming ? But of course may be wrong…

Yes, UCLA is massive…Cornell is large but typically, not always, at schools with high tuition you might get a bit more support.


It sounds to me like you favor Cornell.

If that is the case, then it comes down to whether it is affordable for you.

Thx. Just wondering if it were reversed - your location, bring closer to home as a UCLA kid if they’d have that same opinion. We won’t know of course.

Good question … Cornell is a btch to get to if you don’t live within driving distance (luckily nyc metr area is).

True that Ithaca itself is a wonderful college town/small city… there is so much going on, the lakes, the mountains, gorges, etc… it’s fabulous. You won’t be bored.
BUT it’s surely a rural area of NY- to suggest otherwise is not accurate.
It’s surrounded by VAST farmland.

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I’m planning on emailing the CHE admissions and giving them my honest struggles of going to Cornell so hopefully I’ll get answers about transferring then!
to answer your question, zero :slight_smile: I live very close to UCLA by the beach and I grew up here

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You keep saying this & it simply isn’t true- why do you think that it is? what is your source?


You can get info on outcomes from here or call the dept and ask.


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I think honest sharing of your concerns and hesitations with the school contact(s) is the best approach. With an acceptance and financial aid package in hand, you really have nothing to lose by being vulnerable about your concerns. Especially since the alternative could be to head cross-country in late August with linger doubts.

You are picking between two truly phenomenal schools, so now is a great time to do whatever reamining research / work needed to enroll at one (or the other) with 100% of your heart committed to the choice you make.

Best wishes and let us know what you decide.


What did you decide, I was in same boat and chose UCLA?


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