UCLA vs Imperial College London

Prospective Physics/Applied Math Major. Got offers at both, which one should I pick?

UCLA Pros:
Tuition (13k at UCLA as I’m In-State vs 36k at ICL)
Ability to Double Major (Unlike in ICL)
Well ranked
Better social environment

Imperial College London Pros:
More prestigious
Higher Ranked for my primary major
Higher employer reputation
Shorter time to get the degree
4 years MSci option
Greater Specialization (Physics + Theoretical Physics)

ICL “More prestigious”?
(USNEWS Global Ranking: UCLA #8, ICL #18)

Imperial is a nice college but it’s a very different institution than UCLA. Bear in mind academic rankings are just a part of the college experience. There are numerous other factors to consider. Type of environment, research opportunities, weather, quarter system, ability to change majors, 3 year UK system = too concentrated in one subject vs ability to double major and so on. ICL will not be considered more prestigious anywhere in the world except the UK.