UCLA vs Mount Saint Mary's College

So I recently got accepted into UCLA as a physiology major but I also got into Mount Saint Mary’s pre-nursing program. I am really interested in Nursing and that’s something i am seriously thinking about doing. But i was wondering if I should go to UCLA as a physiology major and then transfer into their nursing program. or just attend Mount Saint Mary’s and get a direct route into the nursing profession. Which path would be more better or easier? Do you know anyone that is possibly a transfer nursing student at UCLA? any suggestions are welcomed! :slight_smile:

Congrats on UCLA! That is prestigious.

Getting into Mount St Mary’s pre-nursing program doesn’t guarantee getting into their traditional nursing program: http://www.msmu.edu/admission/nursing-transfer-students/bachelor-of-science-in-nursing/

Since UCLA is the better university, and likely also cost less, I recommend going to UCLA for physiology (while doing pre-reqs for nursing along with the major and likely physiology degree would co-inside). Then apply to Mt St Mary’s and other RN programs when you are done w/ pre-reqs as a transfer student. I don’t think Mt St Mary students get priority to their program and it isn’t direct-entry, and UCLA will open many doors.

Thanks @SunsetDay‌
I followed the link that you gave me and it is true that Mount Saint Mary’s is not direct. Turns out that you’ll be considered for admission to the three-year program after completing a set of prerequisites. Thanks again for the update. It was really helpful!!

In this case, I would definitely go to UCLA which has an international reputation. Generally, Mount Saint Mary’s is only known in CA.

If you volunteer as a research assistant in the UCLA - School of Nursing, then that would be valuable info to put on your application along with a good way to get your foot in the door & be known to your intent to become a nurse & transfer into the SON.