UCLA vs UCB vs Cal Poly for Materials Science and Engineering

Solely based on program

cost doesn’t really matter but i got 4k from Berkeley and I’m applying for a 20k/yr scholarship at cal poly that has a really low applicant pool

Bump pls

The UCs will have much larger classes, will rely heavily on TAs to teach labs and discussions, but will have more interesting graduate research that you MIGHT be able to participate in if you are very proactive and lucky. They are both more urban and more diverse.

Cal Poly has a curriculum that is very lab intensive. Every engineering class has a lab. Classes are small and all taught by professors. Although they make a very strong effort to be inclusive, Poly is pretty homogeneous Caucasian.

Job prospects will be good out of all three.

UCLA has by far the best sports if that is important to you. Contrary to what some might say, that college is all about the academics, it’s not. It is a broad experience, so favoring things like weather, sports, nature, Greek life, etc. are important factors. At age 54, I still follow my alma mater’s sports. :smiley:

What else would you like to know?

Full disclosure, my son is a ME at Poly from OOS. Based on what he knew about the UCs, he didn’t even apply.

@eyemgh some current poly engineering students told me the professors weren’t good, what did your son think about the classes?

There are bad professors everywhere. Every school will have at least a handful. Poly does have some very good ones though. I think on balance he’s learned a lot and will be a strong engineer. He’s staying for his masters if that tells you anything.

His approach is to never dodge bad teachers or time slots if doing so would mean delaying the class. He uses his friends and Polyratings to pick the best possible instructors he can get, but will take lesser teachers if he has to. In talking to him he’s only had one truly bad professor.

His approach is also to pick the best teachers when possible, not the easiest teachers. Some of the best ones are ridiculously hard, but students skills grow so much that they they are worth they pain.

I just got 20k a yr from meritorious scholars at poly but I like Cal so much

Follow your heart…and your wallet. If you dig life in the big city, go see Cal. Personally, I would be concerned about the political overlay at Berkeley, which could disrupt classes, exams, etc. Having toured SLO, it is a very appealing campus in a great location. SLO is highly selective, so you would be with the smart kids either way.

Now for the economics: assuming job prospects are equal, compare $16K FA at Cal with COA $34K*4 = $136K for a net cost of $120K, versus $80K at SLO with COA $100K for net cost of $20K. Delta = $100K. You did say cost didn’t matter, but that is one thousand $100 dollar bills lit on fire to go to Cal. No-brainer to me. Yet it is 100% your decision. Good luck!

where did u end up going @LookAtThisNet

@SREE33 ended up going to berkeley and liking it so far

i went to slo for an open house and the head professor for slo told me that cal was a better option for matsci

is there a reason why it is better?

@SREE33 i guess it’s more established and has more resources

the materials buildings are slo seemed lackluster while i was more impressed with berkeley’s mse laboratories

also since it seems that a lot of mse students go to grad school because it opens up job prospects, berkeley would probably prep for grad school better than cal poly does