<p>Since there isn't a thread for engineering students on the waitlist, I decided to make one :)</p>
<p>I've been wait-listed as an Electrical Engineering major, alternate major in Computer Science and Engineering. I was just curious if anyone has heard from UCLA yet?? I know L&S has. Also, does anyone know why it's taking so long??</p>
<p>My son is also waitlisted for Computer Science and Engineering. Not sure why it is taking so long to notify either way. He’s already submitted his SIR to Cal Poly SLO. How about you?</p>
<p>I applied to Undeclared Engineering… and I SIR’ed to Berkeley for L&S. Really would like to do engineering so I would probably go to LA if I got in. If no one’s getting in I’m afraid that all the spots are in fact full and NONE of us are getting in! But let’s cross our fingers and hope it’s just taking them longer.</p>
<p>@SocalDad13 SIRed to UC Irvine under Computer Science major. </p>
<p>@nenolam I think it’s too early to tell regarding LA since only the second round of waitlist kids have been released for L&S. Also, Engineering has more to look at anyways (ex: extra requirements for admission), so the whole process should take longer. Congrats on Berkeley though–if it doesn’t work out for you at LA, you can always switch at UCB. They have an amazing engineering program, better than LA (or so I’ve heard.)</p>
<p>I was waitlisted for Computer Science and Engineering as well…But I already SIRed at Berkeley for CS and I plan on attending even if I get off the waitlist at LA.</p>
<p>And @CSE0123 It’s extremely difficult to switch into College of Engineering. I don’t understand why people always say “you can just switch” when it’s difficult to get like a 3.5+ GPA especially at Berkeley.</p>
<p>@jesskidding congrats on being accepted to UCB! That’s amazing! People tend to switch to engineering in their first year of college because they find out that’s what they want to do. I’m not suggesting that it’s easy to get into Engineering from LS but in general it’s easier to be accepted into LS as an incoming freshman than as an engineering student.</p>
<p>ANDDD… I’ve officially given up. GO BEARS!</p>
<p>Congrats nenolam and jesskidding on UCB! Congrats also CSE0123 on UCI!
Didn’t expect that UCLA would keep the Engineering waitlisters hanging for this long.
Hopefully they will email notices out by tomorrow so that we can turn the page once and for all…</p>
<p>@nenolam @ jesskidding honestly, if I applied to UCB and got in, I would go there. It’s ranked #3 in the country, so that’s an amazing school!! Just called in regarding Engineering and the woman said they could let me know even on June 1st so ultimately, wasn’t really helpful
I hope we hear something tomorrow too @SocalDad13</p>
<p>Anybody notice that when you logged into the decision site, the date at the top of your initial decision letter changed? Originally my son’s letter was dated March 22nd but when I checked it now it says May 10. As far as I can tell, there is no change in the original text or their notice in red that waitlist decisions will be made throughout May. I jumped for a second thinking a decision was made but guess not yet.
I did call up admissions to ask when decisions would be made for those on the waitlist for the College of Engineering and I was told that they will finish and notify all decisions by next Friday 5/17. So worst case we are hanging on for another week.
Have a great weekend everyone!</p>
<p>@SocalDad13 I didn’t originally notice but just checked and had the same thing! That’s so funny that the admissions said that since I called yesterday and they told me anytime, even on June 1st itself. Fingers crossed for everyone!!!
Have a good weekend too!</p>
<p>It’s official–I’ve been rejected from UCLA. At least I know where I’m going!!! :)</p>
<p>My son got his rejection notice as well. On to Cal Poly!
Good luck to you all!</p>