UCLA's MBA/CS program and job experience

<p>UCLA has a program where u can get your BS in CS and your MBA in 3 years. Does anyone know if the admission process to this program is the same as it would be to UCLA's regular business school? Do they still require at least 2++ years of work experience after I have my bach. before I would be accepted?</p>

<p>Just to clarify, this is in regards to the MS/MBA (not BS/MBA). </p>

<p>Like most joint degree programs, you must be admitted to both schools. So, the same rules would apply here in regards to work experience.</p>

<p>Ya, a typo on my part. Its a MS in CS not a BS. But would they look differently on the application if its for this joint program? Would it be easier or harder to be accepted to the business school?</p>