I’ve seen a few posts on Reddit on this but they’re a bit old. We noticed that UCLA is more strict on their provisions for admissions than other schools I’ve seen (e.g., UMICH says no more than 2 Cs. and most other UCs just says no D or Fs and maintain unweighted GPA of 3.0.).
We’re a bit worried, as she’s struggling with AP Calc and AP Bio and if she’ll get rescinded this June if she ends up with C’s in both.

Has anyone heard or had any recent experience with this?
Thanks in advance.
UCLA’s provisional admission conditions have been pretty much the same for the last several years. Previous years they did specify a 3.0 unweighted GPA for Senior year, no more than 2 C’s and no D’s or F’s.
Their “decline in GPA” is vague and probably they do not want to see anything more than a 1.0 point decline which would be more than 2 C’s in Senior courses.
My advice is get her some help with the classes she is struggling in and get those grades up. I do not think that 2 C’s will be a reason for rescinding but I would always check with admissions to confirm. UC’s do not like to rescind acceptances so she would probably have to finish with a D or F before it would get to that point.
Best of luck to her.
Thanks @Gumbymom! She’s hovering at Bs for those classes at the moment, but the quarter ends this week, and last quarter is only a month long before AP exams/graduation so it’s scary to think that if she messes up just a few quizzes (worth 90% of her grade), she can end up in a Community College. She’ll be walking on thin ice.
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Similar situation. Maybe you can help clarify. Daughter got a C+ (79.4% don’t get me started) first semester in BC calc and is on the B-/C+ border again this semester. Everything else is As except Bs in AP comp sci. She only had one B prior to this year. If she ends up with a C in calc second semester will she need to report? Or is it 2 Cs in a semester need to report but not 1 C each semester?
I would contact UCLA admissions for clarification but my understanding of the policy is if you are on a semester system for example and you receive 2 C’s any time during your Senior year, you need to report. It can be 2 C’s in two of the 1st semester classes or 2 C’s in the 1st and 2nd semester of a class etc… if there is going to be 2 C’s posted on your final transcript report it.
I could be wrong so get your question answered.
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